CCN: Monthly IP Report - Thu Jun 01/00

Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 09:28:25 -0300 (ADT)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
To: "Douglas J. McCann" <>, Mike Cormier <>, "Leo J. Deveau" <>,
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CCN IP Monthly Report for May, 2000


Hits  = from monthly URL Stats
Msgs  = from monthly Mailing List report
Files = documents modified last 30 days.   *****
Docs  = not counting image files            *****
Usage = Kb of disk space used

***** PLEASE NOTE ****** 
Previous reports reversed the meaning of 'Files' and 'Docs' 

Within the context of this report at this time, 'Files' is considered an 
indicator associated with IP activity and is indeed the number of 
new files or files modified withing the last 30 days... and could include 
image/sound/other files....

Again, within the context of this report at this time, 'Docs' is 
considered an indication of the amount of content... size of the site 
and generally refect html/txt files be excluding image files...

This report does not refect hits to virtual domains... some of the 
business hits are not accurate...

This reports also does not include hits on files that do not have a 
'normal' extension such as '.txt' '.html'...   has noted in the past 
that traffic to one of the sites he maintains is not accurate... the 
problem as it relates to this report is that the files with no extensions 
look like directories rather than files...

I guess I'll have to include '.shtml' files in the count from here on...


       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

            bb      0     3    46   209  21769 BeaverBank Community Access Sites

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

        nature      0     0     0     0        Nature's Art & Design
         index     11     4     0     1     18 Atlantidex
    blackriver     25     0    17    25   2534 Black River Productions Ltd.
         triad     43     3     2    28   1930 Triad Film Productions Ltd.
           rmj    103     4     0    18    868 RMJ Fitness & Rehabilitation Consultants

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

          iaap    537     1     0    38    580 International Association of Administrative Professionals
                  300    10     0    39    213 Regional Atlantic Trading Note Association
                  465     0     0     1      6 Halifax Women's Network
                  166     6     0     1      2 Nova Scotia Association of Architects
        career      2     0     0     0        NS Career
           cim    149     0     0    21     47 Canadian Institute of Management, Halifax-Dartmouth Branch
          pmac    294    19    20    24    375 Purchasing Management Association of Canada
          aaae    320     4     0    28    153 Atlantic Association of Applied Economists
         atins   2064     5     5    49   1049 Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

                    0     0     0     0        DALnet Friends
        cmhans     92     1     0     1     16 Canadian Mental Health Association
                 2699    11     8    35   1571 Community Health Promotion Network Atlantic
          svfo     12     0     0     1      3 Sackville Volunteer Firefighters Organization
        wayves    507     0     0    12    524 Wayves
        unicef     18     0     0     1      8 UNICEF Halifax Committee
           ncc   1165    63     0    51   1761 Network For Creative Change
                  189     0     0     1      9 Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Project
           vrc      1     0     0     0        Volunteer Resource Centre
                  262     0     0     9     83 Amnesty International Nova Scotia
                  741     9     0    26    224 Youth for Social Justice
                  165     0     0     2    219 Metro United Way
           gpi     61     0   159   152   4597 GPI Atlantic
    directions     46     0     0     2     11 4Directions Women's Funding Coalition
      critical     60     0     0     5     55 Critical Mass Halifax
       ccn-ipe     39     0     0     2      9 Information Provider Editors of Chebucto
 solidarity-ns     19     0     0     3     41 Solidarity Nova Scotia
         pride    886    41    37    13    688 Halifax Pride Committee
                  133     6     0    17     51 Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association
      grainery      2     0     0     0        North Commons Food Coop
                 3646    24     6    51    979 Halifax Amateur Radio Club
       VicHall     56     0     0     4     36 Victoria Hall
           333     31     0     2     3     51 Citizens on Patrol: Route 333
     mineville    633     0    29    42   1683 Mineville Community Association
        nscuba    727     7     6   108   4686 The Nova Scotia-Cuba Association
                  562     6     1    10     86 Voice of Women, Nova Scotia
                  615     0     0    58   1047 Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dartmouth-Halifax Metro
                  407     0     0    36    349 Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group
    non-racist    137     9     0     5     17 Coalition of Non-racist Society
                 3732    31     0   165   1539 CUSO Atlantic
        nsceis    201   118    19    32   1304 Nova Scotia Campaign to End Iraq Sanctions
       spencer     70     2     0     2     79 Spencer House Seniors' Centre
           m4c  16276     6     4   468   6206 Men for Change
         hrsar    253     0     0     0      0 Halifax Regional Search and Rescue
                  568     1     0    24    244 Association for Media Literacy of Nova Scotia
           shc    268    11     0    19     81 Self-Help Connection
           HFH    292     4     0    23    260 Habitat for Humanity Halifax-Dartmouth
       nbgsara     12     0    21   321   4039 New Brunswick Ground Search and Rescue Association
                  688     9     2    20    258 Toastmasters

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

        srdfns    573     3    27    29   2234 Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia
          live   2067     8     3    47   1290 Live Art Productions
        juggle   5017     8     0    60    852 Bluenose Juggling Club
      amethyst    110    25     1     1      2 Amethyst Scottish Dancers of Nova Scotia
      dplayers    457     0     8    27    658 Dartmouth Players
   mockingbird 112810   240    40    49   1410 Harper Lee & To Kill a Mockingbird
    barbershop    353     0     0     1     24 Darmouth City of Lakes Barbershop Chorus
                 1878     4     4    50   2723 Nova Scotia Choral Federation
                 1928   105     0    95   1681 Halifax Dance
       dancens   4223    29     6    88   1030 Dance Nova Scotia
        onaxis     73     2     0     5    926 OnAxis Dance
       coastal      2     0     0     0        Coastal Dance Theatre
          caps      2     0     0