CCN: access by file

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 10:01:44 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: David Potter <>
cc:, David Murdoch <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hi David,

On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, David Potter wrote:

> Does anyone on editors get this report? We should probablly strip out the
> *.gif entries...

I wasn't aware of it until a couple of weeks ago when   drew my
attention to it. I agree, stripping out the *.gif entries would make good
sense. I wouldn't want/need to receive it daily but once every couple of
weeks or month it would be useful. Is there any place on the system where
copys are archived?



> On Fri, 9 Oct 1998 wrote:
> > 21117 /Heritage/FSCNS
> > 7668 /Home.html
> > 4504 /~av359/images
> > 4456 /Philosophy/Taichi
> > 4374 /~av359/hallow
> > 3290 lynxprog:/csuite/lynxexec/mail
> > 2816 /~as280/fswebringanim.gif
> > 2452 /Culture/HarperLee
> > 1896 /Health/TeenHealth
> > 1752 /Services/Index.html
> > 1604 /icons/paper.gif
> > 1590 /Libraries/HCRL
> > 1534 /Environment/NHR
> > 1513 /Icons/paper.gif
> > 1422 /~av359/ring
> > 1254 /~ai251/returner.gif
> > 1156 /~ai251/Spcorn.html
> > 1045 /Services/PDA
> > 1033 /Media/TodaysNews
> > 1014 /Recreation/OrchidSNS
> >  909 /cgi-bin/who
> >  906 /~ah235/critical.gif
> >  885 /Recreation/TSD
> >  883 /Icons/recent.gif
> >  877 /Icons/find.gif
> >  874 /Icons/home.gif
> >  867 /Icons/web.gif
> >  866 /Icons/contacts.gif
> >  850 /Politics/NSNewDemocrat
> >  848 /~ah235/wcp.gif
> >  827 /~ah235/hback2.gif
> >  825 /SportFit/JNS
> >  820 /Recreation/BATANS
> >  815 /~ai251/netscape.gif
> >  813 /~ai251/Art.html
> >  800 /~ah235/ghost.gif
> >  796 /~ah235/inter.gif
> >  794 /~ah235/fun.gif
> >  781 /~ai251/pumpkin4.gif
> >  781 /~ah235/pics.gif
> >  776 /~ah235/splinks.gif
> >  771 /~ah235/credit.gif
> >  768 /Recreation/NSChess
> >  766 /~ah235/corner.gif
> >  759 /~ah235/sean.gif
> >  757 /~ah235/roll.gif
> >  754 /~ah235/sign.gif
> >  748 /~ai251/pumpkin1.gif
> >  746 /~ah235/view.gif
> >  746 /~ah235/stac.gif
> >  741 /~ah235/xmas.gif
> >  740 /~ah235/skin.gif
> >  740 /~af473/spages.gif
> >  735 /~ah235/tod.gif
> >  732 /~as776/hcmb.gif
> >  720 /ccn_logo.gif
> >  706 /~ah235/hthanks.gif
> >  659 /Health/CPRC
> >  655 /Environment/CNSF
> >  618 /~av359/xmas
> >  594 /Help/index.html
> >  568
> >  559 /icons/home.gif
> >  550 /Recreation/EMA
> >  523 /CSuite/source-browser
> >  510 /Education/SPTN
> >  499 /~an642/gifs
> >  489 /~/
> >  484 /CommunitySupport/Men4Change
> >  463 /Recreation/CIAU
> >  451 /Environment/EAC
> >  442 /~ai251/hallog.gif
> >  429 /~ad092/image
> >  428 /~ah235/dooby.wav
> >  418 /SportFit/AKC
> >  400 /~as280/fsnext.gif
> >  395 /icons/web.gif
> >  393 /~as280/fslogo.gif
> >  388 /~paul/flyball
> >  387 /Recreation/Gardening
> >  371
> >  368 /robots.txt
> >  367 /Government/Transit
> >  367 /CommunitySupport/CHPNA
> >  365 /~ag039/tv
> >  361 /~ag371/Gaelic
> >  354 /Education/ERYS
> >  352 /Recreation/CMA
> >  349 /SportFit/CIAU
> >  344 /~av122/Profile.html
> >  340 /Environment/SCN
> >  335 /Recreation/PGNS
> >  334 /~ah235/pumpkin.gif
> >  332 /Health/Psychosynthesis
> >  327 /~ai251/sdback.gif
> >  319 /Law/LRC
> >  318 /~ai251/Scooby.html
> >  316 /~as776/wel21.gif
> >  316 /icons/recent.gif
> >  315 /Recreation/GANS
> >  308 /Health/SBANS
> >  302 /icons/find.gif
> >  299 lynxcgi:/csuite/lynxcgi-bin/quota-view
> >  298 /~as776/mail.gif
> >  295 /icons/contacts.gif
> >  286 /~aa731/blade.html
> >  279 /~ah235/sdu.gif
> >  277
> >  277 /~am220/recipes
> >  277 /Help/INet
> >  273 /~zookumar/todays.gif
> >  270 /Recreation/EastCoastDive
> >  270 /Chebucto/Treasure_Hunt
> >  269 /~as776/shaggy
> >  266 /~ai251/hfun.html
> >  258 /~as776/sgues2.gif
> >  258 /~ah235/homep.gif
> >  257 /~as776/vgues2.gif
> >  255
> >  252 /~ah235/cline.gif
> >  252 /Culture/WFNS
> >  251
> >  249 /~ah190/images
> >  245 /Health/Tourette
> >  243 /~as776/witch.gif
> >  241
> >  238 /Sport/Mooster
> >  236 /~ai251/scovoc.gif
> >  235 /~ai251/scowavs.gif
> >  232 /~ai251/scoshows.gif
> >  231 /~as776/scostats.gif
> >  228 /Religion/AllSaints
> >  227 /~ai251/scotheme.gif
> >  225 /~ai251/scowig.gif
> >  225 /Science/SWCS
> >  223 /~as776/quote.gif
> >  218 /~ai251/scowhat.gif
> >  218 /~ai251/scolist.gif
> >  217 /Law/PLENS
> >  216 /~ah235/s_doo.gif
> >  215 /~ap499/Chat.html
> >  215 /MetroHalifax/Youth
> >  213 /~aj514/rline.gif
> >  212 /~as776/mlink.gif
> >  211 /~ai632/uss
> >  209 /Technology/AppleUsersGroup
> >  208 /~ai251/copy.gif
> >  205 /~ab006/gifs
> >  202 /~ah235/leaf.gif
> >  202 /cgi-bin/search
> >  202 /Current/Events.html
> >  201 /~ap499/bg.gif
> >  198 /Technology/CUGNS
> >  197 /~ai251/Stories.html
> >  195 /~ap499/logo.gif
> >  195 /cfn/Recreation
> >  194 /Newsletter/Beacon
> >  190
> >  189 /~ah235/scotheme.gif
> >  186 /~ac230/images
> >  185 /cfn/Heritage
> >  184 /~ai251/scotheme.html
> >  184 /Culture/HalDance
> >  183 /~ah235/hscoob.gif
> >  180 /~ai251/Spwig.html
> >  179 /Humanities/FSCNS
> >  177 /cgi-bin/search-form
> >  177 /Culture/BluenoseJugglers
> >  172 time
> >  170 /Chebucto/Technical
> >  169 /~ac139/ggallin.html
> >  167 /Current/HalifaxSummitG7
> >  163 /~ai251/new.gif
> >  162 lynxcgi:/csuite/lynxcgi-bin/welcome
> >  161 /cgi-bin/search-user
> >  161 /Environment/FNSN
> >  160 /Religion/StPauls
> >  158 /~as280/fswebring.html
> >  157 /~ai251/warn.gif
> >  157 /Help/upgrade1.html
> >  157 /Help/Browser
> >  155 /CommunitySupport/NSCUBA
> >  154 /~ag249/
> >  153 /~ac139/BANNER.GIF
> >  152 /~ap499/cracks.html
> >  152 /Technology/NSAUG
> >  151
> >  150 /~ah235/ghost1.gif
> >  150 /~ac139/ggax5.jpg
> >  150 /~ac139/Image7.jpg
> >  150 /Government/MetroAuthority
> >  148 /Culture/DANS
> >  147 /~af473/swamp.gif
> >  147 /~ac139/backfire7.jpg
> >  146 /cfn/CommunitySupport
> >  145 /~ab333/cnet
> >  143
> >  143 /~aj514/free.html
> >  142 /Science/SAS
> >  141 /~ap499/button.gif
> > 

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