Is your business growing as fast as you'd like?

Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 14:28:26 PST
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My research indicates that you are an entrepreneur or business person who may be interested in learning the techniques of obtaining free advertising and publicity. If you prefer not to be on this mailing list, please E-Mail us with the word "remove" and we will ensure that we will not bother you again.

Janice Stratton
Advertising Specialist
The Ideas Factory LLC

Is Your Business Growing As Fast As You'd Like?

The day you started your business your stated intention, primary objective and fervent hope was that it would GROW. But you soon found out that all your enthusiasm, enterprise, and seven-day-a-week hard work wasn't enough to grow your business as fast as you wanted it to. Insufficient advertising and publicity was stunting its growth. 

To grow you  must advertise - your business cannot grow and flourish unless you advertise.  Advertising  is  the "life-blood"  of  any  profitable  business.  And regardless of where or how you advertise, it's  going  to  cost  you  in  some  form or another. In fact, one of the  greatest expenses you will incur in conventionally managing your business is your advertising. Every successful business is built upon, and continues to thrive, primarily, on good  advertising.  The top companies  in the world allocate millions of dollars annually to their advertising budgets.  

But  how can your small business that needs to advertise afford the cost?  When starting a business from a garage, basement or kitchen table,  you can't match the advertising  efforts of the Fortune 500.  But there ARE ways you can get the advertising and publicity your business needs FOR FREE or at very low cost. You'll find methods and techniques explained in detail in:


In "Secrets Of Getting Free Radio and Print Advertising" you'll learn invaluable techniques like:

              How to Choose the Right Radio Stations

              How to Approach Radio Stations to Get Free Advertising        

              How to Write Effective, Professional Commercials That Pull

              How to Write Your Contract with the Radio Stations 

              Ten More Ways to Obtain Free Publicity for Your Business

              How to Write Properly Formatted Press and News Releases

              Do's and Don't of Press and News Releases

              Compelling Selling - How To Write Effective Print Ads

               How To Choose The Right Print Format For You

               How To Get 6000 Circulars Printed and Mailed For Free


For $15.00 U.S. "SECRETS  OF  GETTING  FREE  RADIO  AND PRINT ADVERTISING" is probably the best investment you can make in the cause of business growth. Here's how to order: 

TO ORDER BY PHONE:  Call 888 -300 -3876  --- 24 hours, 7 days a week
WE ACCEPT: American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa credit cards 

TO ORDER BY FAX:   Fax completed order form below to: 
              The Ideas Factory, CustomerDirect at  (510) 665-3556

YOUR NAME:                                                   E-MAIL ADDRESS:
STREET ADDRESS:                                                       SUITE/APT:
CITY:                                                STATE:                   ZIP:                     
DAYTIME PHONE: (           )                 EVENING PHONE: (             )                
WHICH CREDIT CARD?                   CARD NO:                                 EXP:       /  

TO ORDER BY MAIL: Send completed order form above to:

The Ideas Factory, CustomerDirect, 1434 University Avenue 
Berkeley CA 94702 U.S.A. with check or Money Order for $15.00

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