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<title>Untitled</title> <style> .ExternalClass .ecxstyle1 {font-size:12px=3Bcolor:#666666=3B} </style><BR><BR> You are seeing this message because TD Canada Trust Security has detected suspicious checks on your account and has temporarily suspended it as a security precaution.<BR><BR> This may be because your TD Commercial Banking account was accessed from an unfamiliar computer or you have made payments from your account at an unusual hour.<BR><BR> <strong>You will be able to re-activate all your access to your accounts once you complete the automated security verification process. </strong><BR><BR> How can i regain access to my account ?<BR><BR> To regain access to your account, you must confirm your identity by completing our automated security verification process. To begin this process, please visit TD Commercial Banking Website and enter your login information and password into the appropriate fields. <BR><BR> <strong>You can do that by simply typing MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be into your browser or by clicking here.</strong><BR><BR> <strong>You will then be taken through a series of steps to help verify your identity. </strong> <BR> <BR> <BR> The security verification process is automated and is not designed to be time-intensive. <BR><BR> In most situations, you should be able to confirm your identity and restore your account in a few minutes. <BR> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR> <p class="ecxstyle1">Recipient: TD Commercial Banking Client</p> <BR> <p class="ecxstyle1">Sender: TD Commercial Banking Account Security Department. </p></div> </div> <font bgcolor="#ffffff" color="#000000"><H5><BR><HR> Deze e-mail en de eventuele toegevoegde bestanden kunnen informatie bevatten die vertrouwelijk is en/of wordt beschermd door intellectuele eigendomsrechten, en zijn enkel bestemd om te worden gebruikt door recipient. Het gebruik van de inhoud ervan (met inbegrip van, maar niet beperkt tot de volledige of gedeeltelijke reproductie, mededeling of verspreiding ervan in gelijk welke vorm) door andere personen dan recipient is verboden. Hebt u deze e-mail per vergissing ontvangen, gelieve dan de afzender via telefoon of e-mail te verwittigen en het materiaal van alle computers te verwijderen. Bedankt voor uw medewerking. <BR><HR></H5></font> </body> </html>
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