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Index of Subjects On Sep 29, 6:24am, Michael Smith wrote: } On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Kenneth Applegate wrote: } } > aa002 don't seem to be installed directly under /opt/csuite/home, but are } > located respectively in /opt/csuite/home/01/aa001 and } > /opt/csuite/home/02/aa002, with 01/ and 02/ being owned by root. Is this } > meant to be the start of several separate mounted filesystems for the user } > accounts, so they could be spread out physically on several drives? } } Theoretically you could do that (more likely by making, say, 01-50 } symlinks to corresponding directories on a filesystem on another drive). } The actual rationale was to keep the $CS_ROOT/home directory from getting } too large, since large directories on most Unix systems slow down file Yep. The only UNIX filesystem I know about that wouldn't have serious performance degradations in this situation is SGI's XFS which uses a B-tree directory structure as opposed to the simple linear unsorted structure used by most systems. } The hashing scheme is implemented in $CS_ROOT/lib/login2dir (and again in } the login2dir function in $CS_ROOT/lib/cs-shlib). Unless it's hardcoded } somewhere else, you could change it to whatever you like in both places, } and all would continue to work. This would not be a wise idea as CSuite was not written in a formal manner with proper modularisation. To do this, you would need to audit the entire system, which is a lot of work. } > Also, it looks like a logged in csuite user will be in the account home } > directory, ...aa001/, for example, instead of using a work subdirectory } > like the old Freeport setup. As far as I can see, users will not have } > access to configuration dot files in their home directories, so this } > arrangement should be OK. } } Right. Users can view dotfiles, but not edit them, or upload new ones } using Lynx or FTP, or extract them from compressed files with tar. I'm not } sure the CSuite unzip has the same restriction. I think the worst a most Hmm, good point, I'll make a note of unzip for 1.2. } > However, I wonder about issues of incorporating old Freeport style } > accounts into the Csuite structure. Would these be accomodated with their } > old .../bb123/work directory structure, or would they have to be revised? They would have to be revised; however, the scripts I mentioned earlier deal with that. }-- End of excerpt from Michael Smith
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