Evolution of Yahoo Groups

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																		Dear Group Moderators and Members,<br><br>
																		Thank you for your commitment to Yahoo and for helping u=
s define the power of digital communities=2E Eighteen years ago, we combine=
d the functionality of a site called eGroups=2Ecom with a precursor communi=
ty platform called Yahoo Clubs to launch Yahoo Groups=2E Since then, you an=
d millions of others have helped prove our hypothesis, by creating and join=
ing more than 10 Million groups=2E
A lot has changed about the Internet since 2001, including the ways most p=
eople now use Yahoo Groups=2E Today, most Yahoo Groups activity happens in =
your email inbox, not on the bulletin boards where Yahoo Groups started in =
the pre-smartphone age=2E Increasingly, people want content and connections=
 coming directly to them, and this is why we continue to invest in Yahoo Ma=
il -- including the recent launch of a new
<a href=3D"http://service=2Ecomms=2Eyahoo=2Enet/T/v40000016e26c870b6c61300=
POrU8xgUxmD40oO2HkI2X8qpbnGfyxWAdnoBuyqhfzfsuXMSbvVgQveidpc=3D" style=3D"fo=
nt-family: Arial, sans-serif;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;">Yah=
oo Mail app</a> that is currently the highest-rated email app in the App St=
ore and Google Play=2E<br><br>
																		So, as our users=E2=80=99 habits have evolved, we have b=
egun the process of evolving our approach to help active Yahoo Groups thriv=
e and migrate to our email platform=2E To help you plan for these changes, =
below is the schedule of how this transition will happen=2E
Beginning October 28, 2019:
																		<ul style=3D"margin:0;">
																			<li style=3D"margin:0;mso-special-format:bullet;">Users=
 will be able to join a Yahoo Group only through an invite from the Group M=
oderator or by submitting a request to join a Group, which requires approva=
l by the Group Moderator=2E</li>
																			<li style=3D"margin:0;mso-special-format:bullet;">Since=
 we are moving Group communication from posting on message boards to email =
distribution, uploading and hosting of new content will also be disabled on=
 the Yahoo Groups website=2E </li>
																		Beginning December 14, 2019:<br>
																		<ul style=3D"margin:0;">
																			<li style=3D"margin:0;mso-special-format:bullet;">All G=
roups will be made private and any content that was previously uploaded via=
 the website will be removed=2E We believe privacy is critical and made thi=
s decision to better align with our overall principles=2E</li>
																			<li style=3D"margin:0;mso-special-format:bullet;">If yo=
u would like to keep any of the content you=E2=80=99ve posted or stored in =
the past within your Yahoo Group, please download it by December 14 by acce=
ssing <a href=3D"http://service=2Ecomms=2Eyahoo=2Enet/T/v40000016e26c870b6c=
=3D=3D" style=3D"font-family: Arial, sans-serif;text-align: center;text-dec=
oration: none;">this link</a>=2E</li>
																		As these dates get closer, we will send follow-up remind=
ers=2E More information about the upcoming changes can be found <a href=3D"=
fvbzZb26tc-5uk_z68WJ95D-GeJ_D4JPyrCp_ecEkPI2VCiKYwEQswVvWghnQBIrIxH-" style=
=3D"font-family: Arial, sans-serif;text-align: center;text-decoration: none=
																		While this evolution of Yahoo Groups is inspired by how =
we see the platform being used today, we know change can be difficult=2E He=
re are a few important facts as we make this transition:<br><br>
																		1=2E <strong>Yahoo Groups is not going away</strong> - W=
e know that our users are deeply passionate about connecting around shared =
interests, and we are evolving Groups to better align with how you use it t=
																		2=2E <strong>New groups can still be formed</strong> - U=
sers can continue to connect with others around their common bonds and inte=
rests=2E From animal rescues to sporting and activity groups, civic organiz=
ations to local PTAs, members of our Yahoo Groups will remain connected and=
 able to share their activities and interests=2E All of the content that yo=
u have shared previously on the website, can continue to be shared via emai=
l=2E <br><br>
																		We know that Yahoo Groups is an important online extensi=
on of your real-life group of friends, interests and communities, and we ar=
e committed to supporting communities that rely on Yahoo Groups=2E Thanks f=
or coming along with us this far=2E We look forward to seeing where the tec=
hnology -- and you -- take us in the decades to come=2E<br><br>
																		The Groups Team
													<td class=3D"spacer" style=3D"line-height: 30px;font-size: 30=
px;mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">&nbsp;</t=
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ust: 100%;" bgcolor=3D"#f1f1f5">
<table class=3D"footer" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" align=3D"cente=
r" width=3D"100%" role=3D"presentation" style=3D"background-color: #f1f1f5;=
<td class=3D"spacer" style=3D"line-height: 30px; font-size: 30px;">=C2=A0<=
<td style=3D"font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif!important; font-size:=
 12px; line-height: 15px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; font-weight: norma=
l; padding: 0;" align=3D"center"><a href=3D"http://service=2Ecomms=2Eyahoo=
utmQBRd1qGi83JugrhHz6OR0Sm2ge7hcYZ8J40AA99Je9DxsM=3D" target=3D"_blank" sty=
le=3D"text-decoration: none; color: #00009e;" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">P=
rivacy Policy</a> | <a href=3D"http://service=2Ecomms=2Eyahoo=2Enet/T/v4000=
c5pSO3TCGaA8rcCom68d3lj_hzYjG4up7C9w=3D" target=3D"_blank" style=3D"text-de=
coration: none; color: #00009e;" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">Terms of Servi=
ce</a> | <a href=3D"http://service=2Ecomms=2Eyahoo=2Enet/T/v40000016e26c870=
efqUQubC0L7_ygLxxnseOeMvmFVT9PqHI5i0iEzaHkXiOvKzRH3k3sy2Mj3ZV1912eE=3D" tar=
get=3D"_blank" style=3D"text-decoration: none; color: #00009e;" rel=3D"noop=
ener noreferrer">Customer Support</a></td>
<td style=3D"font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif!important; font-size:=
 12px; line-height: 15px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; font-weight: norma=
l; padding: 0;" align=3D"center">=C2=A92019 Yahoo<br />701 First Avenue, Su=
nnyvale, CA 94089</td>
<td class=3D"spacer" style=3D"line-height: 30px; font-size: 30px;">=C2=A0<=


<img src=3D'http://service=2Ecomms=2Eyahoo=2Enet/O/v40000016e26c870b6c6130=
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