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Index of Subjects Would you like to cut the learning curve of great small group ministry by 18 months? If you would, I think you are going to be very happy about this. You can find out how to save time and answer the questions your key church leaders have about small group ministry. What would it mean to have church members enthusiastic and committed to small group ministry? What would it mean to avoid the mistake that most churches make when they are starting out? What would it mean to have one, two, three...can't miss... can't mess-up steps to great small groups? Would you like to cut the learning curve of great small group ministry by 18 months? If you would, I think you are going to be very happy about this. You can find out how to save time and answer the questions your key church leaders have about small group ministry. What would it mean to have church members enthusiastic and committed to small group ministry? What would it mean to avoid the mistake that most churches make when they are starting out? What would it mean to have one, two, three...can't miss... can't mess-up steps to great small groups? I think you should click this link immediately... because... unless I miss my guess, as soon as you do, it is going to brighten up your small group ministry considerably. In Him, --Curt Gunz P.S. Here is the link: (Click this link or cut and paste it into your browser) -- You may unsubscribe here: (click this link or cut and paste it directly to your browser) If you have any trouble, please contact me (Curt Gunz) at: <> Great Commission Resources PO Box 534 Lake Jackson, TX 77566
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