runaway processes

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 23:10:31 -0700
From: (Gord Fisch)
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Dear Csuite team:

We have csuite 1.0 installed on a pc under redhat linux 4.

We have just switched over from a solaris sparcstation running csuite alpha
5. On the old machine we had runaway processes, usually from someone no
longer logged on, that would cause machine loads to skyrocket. The csuite
cronbin job "pkiller" did not work. I rewrote it as a perl script and had
it kill off any lynx|pine|telnet|tin process taking over 50% cpu time and
logged on over an hour. It took it's input from 'top' and 'who'. This
controlled the problem.

All tests on the new pc seemed fine. However, when we moved all the
accounts over, the same problem reappeared, with the addition of sendmail
not accepting connections under a large machine load. (we are using our own
sendmail, not the one distributed with csuite).

I have tried adjusting the csuite version of "pkiller" but it is not
solving the problem. Despite a huge machine load, 'top' does not seem to
report the processes as taking up a large amount of cpu. The 'timerd' and
'idled' seem to work if one is logged on but not with these processes.

Any inkling as to what is causing the problem or how to address it?

Excerpts from our techteam talk:

>I killed aa655, attached to a terminal, idle for 10 hours, machine load
>was near 50, at about 0900 (Regina time). aa655 did NOT show up as a big
>CPU user with 'top'. Load immediately dropped like a stone after these
>processes were killed.
>On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, Neale Partington wrote:
>> I noticed that aa655 is on twice with the who command, on once
>> with the w command, and idle 2 hrs.
>> Load was over 18, so couldn't send mail either.
>Robert H Greenfield, DSc <>
>, voice +1.215.885.7950
>FN20kc 40d 06' 15" N, 75d 07' 50" W, 73 m elev

Great Plains Free Net Webmaster
Gord Fisch

Gord  |Program Officer: SK Cultural Exchange Society |
Fisch |Webmaster: Great Plains Free Net              |

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