Dear NOTIFICATION - Storage Full

From: Email ADMIN <>
Date: 19 Jun 2019 03:19:50 +0200
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<DIV id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1453877682990_8531>
<DIV id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1450626924891_30460 style=3D"WHITE-SPAC=
E: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT=
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3;&#10;sans-serif; LETTER-SPACING: normal; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,25=
5); TEXT-INDENT: 0px">Dear,</DIV>
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Your email has used up the storage limit&nbsp;of&nbsp;99.9 gigabytes as def=
ined by&nbsp;your Administrator. You will be blocked from sending and recei=
ving&nbsp;messages&nbsp;if not re- validated within<SPAN class=3Dyiv7941521=
701Apple-converted-space>&nbsp;</SPAN><FONT id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_=
1451865077194_6455 color=3D#ff0000>48hrs</FONT>.</DIV>
<DIV id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1451865077194_6453 style=3D"WHITE-SPACE=
: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT:=
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;&#10;sans-serif; LETTER-SPACING: normal; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255=
); TEXT-INDENT: 0px">Kindly click on your email below for&nbsp;quick re-val=
idation and additional storage will be updated automatically</DIV>
<DIV id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1441841467783_4004 style=3D"WHITE-SPACE=
: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT:=
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); TEXT-INDENT: 0px"><FONT id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1451865077194_648=
8 color=3D#800080>
<A id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1453877682990_8532 href=3D"https://winsfg=" rel=3Dnofollo=
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<DIV id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1451865077194_6451 style=3D"WHITE-SPACE=
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<DIV id=3Dyui_3_16_0_1_1454432134016_12179 style=3D"WHITE-SPACE: normal; WO=
RD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT: 12px 'Helve=
tica Neue', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', &#13;&#10;sans-s=
erif; LETTER-SPACING: normal; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); TEXT-INDE=
NT: 0px">Regards,</DIV>
<DIV id=3Dyiv7941521701yui_3_16_0_1_1441841467783_3926 style=3D"WHITE-SPACE=
: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); FONT:=
 12px 'Helvetica Neue', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', &#13=
;&#10;sans-serif; LETTER-SPACING: normal; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255=
); TEXT-INDENT: 0px">E-mail Support 2019.</DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML>

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