Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 07:12:46 +0800
From: "OAO Gazprom Oil & Gas (Awards)" <>
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OAO Gazprom Oil & Gas (Gazprom).

The Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom Oil & Gas (Gazprom) has officially approved and announced your award of $920,000.00 USD today.

E-mail Mrs. Alizah Moh'd with the required details below for verification;

Full Name:.......... Address:.......... Tel/Fax No.:..........,& Country:..........

NB: All E-mail response should be sent to any of the mailing address below for confirmation and claims approval.


   Or call +(601)-056-49409 for any inquiries.

Sincerely, Mrs. Rachael Carr.
Announcer, OAO Gazprom Oil & Gas.

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