
Date: , 6 Apr 2008 11:50:24 +0100
From: "Glen Chan" <>
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Are you looking for the best costs in discount software? Now you'll find the opportunity to have the softs you dreamt of for a long time.
 And the best thing is, all softs are dirt cheap.
 Check up by yourself and have the softwares for cheap costs ever seen!
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<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000"><tr><td align=center bgcolor="#CEF3FF"><b><font color="#FA3D05">Are you looking for the best costs in discount software?</font></b></td></tr><tr> 

<td align=center bgcolor="#E9E9E9"><b>Now you'll find the opportunity to have the softs 
you dreamt of for a long time.<br> 
And the best thing is, all softs are dirt cheap.<br> 

Check up by yourself and have the softwares for cheap costs ever seen!</b></td></tr></table> 
<font color="#D9EDFF"></font>


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