From: "Trish Jano" <>
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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:26:12 -0540
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 It's not surprise that more than 600,000 doctors choice the prescription drug Viagra for their patients with erectile dysfunction(ED).Fact is, when taken correctly, Viagra works for most men. Studies show that it works for up to 4 out of 5 men (versus 1 out of 4 on sugar pill).Viagra improves erections for most men no matter how long they have had ED, what caused it, how often they have it, or how old they are. We provide you 100% results after using our products.See our site!

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<P> It's not surprise that more than 600,000 doctors choice the prescriptio=
n drug Viagra for their patients with erectile dysfunction(ED).</P>
<BR><P>Fact is, when taken correctly, Viagra works for most men. Studies sh=
ow that it works for up to 4 out of 5 men (versus 1 out of 4 on sugar pill)=
<BR><P>Viagra improves erections for most men no matter how long they have =
had ED, what caused it, how often they have it, or how old they are. We pro=
vide you 100% results after using our products.</P><BR>
See our site!



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