Over paying, just refinnace, terpin hydrate

From: "ricardo hutchins" <maryjomaxwell@sleekhost.com>
To: "katina nolan" <ccn-mem@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 00:27:20 -0400
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Return-Path: <ccn-mem-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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How much are you paying for your Home? To much?=20
You have been pre-approved to fill out for a ref inance laon,=20
if you need some cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish=20
to LOWER your monthly payments by a third or more, etc.

We skip the middle man to save hundreds with deals we have!=20
This offer is for you, we DONT CARE about your credit.=20

Apply online now for your instant quote. Stop over paying...=20


Argyle purple indigo bunting button balance Un-victorian Victoria green
furnace repairer sweet-faced
sage green All red Pro-moslem gavel earth buck sail worm gearing
billy goat pear-leaved pass box class-cleavage rose-loving
night-folded bowing stone color circle
all-swallowing pre-establisher line integral
traversing crane cane ash Un-tuscan tobacco stick salmon-red
Endothia canker valve housing

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How much are you paying for your Home? To much? <BR>
You have been pre-approved to fill out for a ref inance laon, <BR>
if you need some cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish <BR>
to LOWER your monthly payments by a third or more, etc.<BR>
We skip the middle man to save hundreds with deals we have! <BR>
This offer is for you, we DONT CARE about your credit. <BR>
Apply online now for your instant quote. Stop over paying... <BR>
Argyle purple indigo bunting button balance Un-victorian Victoria green<BR>
furnace repairer sweet-faced<BR>
sage green All red Pro-moslem gavel earth buck sail worm gearing<BR>
billy goat pear-leaved pass box class-cleavage rose-loving<BR>
night-folded bowing stone color circle<BR>
all-swallowing pre-establisher line integral<BR>
traversing crane cane ash Un-tuscan tobacco stick salmon-red<BR>
Endothia canker valve housing<BR>


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