New Breed of Stock Trader

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Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 10:19:44 -0800
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Content-Type: text/plain;;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit News Alert After the Close
Dragon International
Sym bol: D R G G.
Q2 Rev's at $4.869 Mil lion, Improve 75% Year over Year, Expects to Continue
Acquisition Strategy.
Price: .1899

Has D R G G Bottomed? Go Look at The Chart Right Now!..And How Will this
News Impact the Stock Monday?

Breaking News:

Press Release Source: Dragon International Group Corp.

Dragon International Group Corp. Posts 2nd Fiscal Quarter
Friday February 10, 4:54 pm ET

Revenues Increase 75% Over Same Period for Fiscal 2005

International Group Corp. (OTC BB:DRGG.OB - News), one of China's leading
manufacturers and distributors of specialty paper products and packaging
materials, filed results for its second fiscal quarter ended December 31,

The Company recorded revenues of $4.869 million for the three month period
ended December 31, 2005, a 75% increase over the similar period in 2005,
when it generated revenues of $2.773 million. Income from operation
increased to approximately $372,271, compared to a loss of $13,301 reported
for the same period in fiscal year 2005. The Company recorded comprehensive
income of $118,626 after a one-time, non-cash charge of $294,356 related to
debt financing as compared to a loss of $42,043 for the same period in
fiscal year 2005. The Company attributes its improved results to the
assimilation of new acquisitions undertaken during 2005 and its attempt to
curtail costs by consolidating operations of certain subsidiaries. For more
details about Dragon's financial performance, please review the Form 10-QSB
filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Chairman and CEO David Wu stated: "We are pleased with our financial
performance for the second quarter. Our goal for 2006 is to continue to
increase revenues and control expenses, thereby improving profitability and
strengthening our balance sheet. We also expect to continue our acquisition

Watch This One Trade Monday...

Information within this em  ail contains 4rward l0 0king statements within
the meaning of Section 27A of the Secu rities Act of nineteen thirty three
andSection 21B of the Securi ties Exch ange Act of nineteen thirty four. Any
statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predi ctions,
expec tations, beli efs, pla ns, projec tions, objec tives, goa ls, ass
umptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical
fact and may be 4rward 1o0king statements. Don't rely on them to make a
decision.As with many micr ocap st0c ks, today's  com pany has disclosable material
items you need to consider in order to make an informed and intelligent
in_vest ment decision. These items include: a reliance on loans from
officers, loans to affiliate companies and some related party transactions.
Read the Company's S E C Filings now, right now, before you inve st. None of
the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of inves
tmentadvi ce or solicitat ion. Many of these small compa nies are on the verge of
bankruptcy. You can lose all your m0ny by in-ves ting in this st0c k. In
compliancewith the Securi ties Act of 19 33, Sec tion 17(b), we disclose the receipt
of twentytho usand do 11ars from a th ird party, not an offi cer, direc tor or
affiliateshar-ehol der for our services. This is a pa id ad vertise ment. All factual
informa tion in this report was gathered from public sources, including but
notlimited to Comp any Pre ss Releas es and Fili ngs.
Content-Type: text/plain;;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit News Alert After the Close
Dragon International
Sym bol: D R G G.
Q2 Rev's at $4.869 Mil lion, Improve 75% Year over Year, Expects to Continue
Acquisition Strategy.
Price: .1899

Has D R G G Bottomed? Go Look at The Chart Right Now!..And How Will this
News Impact the Stock Monday?

Breaking News:

Press Release Source: Dragon International Group Corp.

Dragon International Group Corp. Posts 2nd Fiscal Quarter
Friday February 10, 4:54 pm ET

Revenues Increase 75% Over Same Period for Fiscal 2005

International Group Corp. (OTC BB:DRGG.OB - News), one of China's leading
manufacturers and distributors of specialty paper products and packaging
materials, filed results for its second fiscal quarter ended December 31,

The Company recorded revenues of $4.869 million for the three month period
ended December 31, 2005, a 75% increase over the similar period in 2005,
when it generated revenues of $2.773 million. Income from operation
increased to approximately $372,271, compared to a loss of $13,301 reported
for the same period in fiscal year 2005. The Company recorded comprehensive
income of $118,626 after a one-time, non-cash charge of $294,356 related to
debt financing as compared to a loss of $42,043 for the same period in
fiscal year 2005. The Company attributes its improved results to the
assimilation of new acquisitions undertaken during 2005 and its attempt to
curtail costs by consolidating operations of certain subsidiaries. For more
details about Dragon's financial performance, please review the Form 10-QSB
filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Chairman and CEO David Wu stated: "We are pleased with our financial
performance for the second quarter. Our goal for 2006 is to continue to
increase revenues and control expenses, thereby improving profitability and
strengthening our balance sheet. We also expect to continue our acquisition

Watch This One Trade Monday...

Information within this em  ail contains 4rward l0 0king statements within
the meaning of Section 27A of the Secu rities Act of nineteen thirty three
andSection 21B of the Securi ties Exch ange Act of nineteen thirty four. Any
statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predi ctions,
expec tations, beli efs, pla ns, projec tions, objec tives, goa ls, ass
umptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical
fact and may be 4rward 1o0king statements. Don't rely on them to make a
decision.As with many micr ocap st0c ks, today's  com pany has disclosable material
items you need to consider in order to make an informed and intelligent
in_vest ment decision. These items include: a reliance on loans from
officers, loans to affiliate companies and some related party transactions.
Read the Company's S E C Filings now, right now, before you inve st. None of
the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of inves
tmentadvi ce or solicitat ion. Many of these small compa nies are on the verge of
bankruptcy. You can lose all your m0ny by in-ves ting in this st0c k. In
compliancewith the Securi ties Act of 19 33, Sec tion 17(b), we disclose the receipt
of twentytho usand do 11ars from a th ird party, not an offi cer, direc tor or
affiliateshar-ehol der for our services. This is a pa id ad vertise ment. All factual
informa tion in this report was gathered from public sources, including but
notlimited to Comp any Pre ss Releas es and Fili ngs.

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