Attention all stock investors ... This is the BIG one!

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* FCPG    FCPG    FCPG    FCPG  *  FCPG    FCPG    FCPG    FCPG *

FacePrint Global Solutions' EZ-FACE crime-fighting software prepares to
lead the way and fill the void in biometrics technology

FacePrint Global Solutions
Symbol: FCPG.OB
Thursday Close: $0.12
Short Term: $.20 - $.35

Status: S t r o n g   B u y

The Basics of This Beauty

* FCPG has had very strong responses to previous PR
  campaigns such as this one.

* Internet version of FCPG's EZ-FACE software enters
  final phase of development.

* 150,000 copies of EZ-FACE's predecessor, FACES, The Ultimate
   Composite Picture, were distributed to law enforcement
   agencies around the world.

* Demand for facial recognition software (EZ-FACE)
   has skyrocketed due to recent security risks.

* FCPG developing E-DNA Bioprint Coding System for the
  Internet transmission of data related to individual faces.

Keep Reading:

FRESNO, Calif., January 20, 2006 -- FacePrint Global Solutions (FGS)
[FCPG.OB] is entering 2006 with enthusiasm and optimism as EZ-FACE -- the
world's first Internet-access law enforcement-dedicated composite picture
software -- enters its final phase of development. The team at FGS is
excited with the progress of its revolutionary 3D product, which is on the
verge of undergoing Beta testing and public endorsement by several top
police departments across the United States.

Frontline police officers are no stranger to Pierre Cote and his brand of
crime-fighting technology. Cote is the creator of EZ-FACE and the president
of FGS. Cote is also the man who created FACES, The Ultimate Composite
Picture -- the successful predecessor of EZ-FACE, which hit the law
enforcement market by storm in 1998 when 150,000 copies of the facial
composite software were used by law enforcement agencies around the world.
The software was also endorsed by John Walsh, host of FOX Television's
America's Most Wanted, who became the official spokesman for FACES.

Biometrics on the frontlines
EZ-FACE has come at the right time, as police departments across the U.S.
are looking to upgrade their old versions of FACES and must now turn to
sophisticated biometrics technology in the fight against crime -- and that
is where EZ-FACE is planning to fill the void. The war against crime and
terrorism has become a top priority in many countries, particularly in the
U.S. Police agencies have taken steps to develop crime-analysis mechanisms,
directives and training programs to promote prevention as an efficient and
proactive way of fighting crime, and are currently seeking additional tools
to incorporate in this effort. Cooperation between law enforcement agencies,
authorities, organizations and citizens indicates a growing desire for crime
solving, and recognition of the need for new tools to combat lawlessness and
effectively determine a person's identity.

The tragic events of September 11, 2001 have heightened the need for the
development of products that can prevent crime generally, while specifically
targeting international or domestic terrorism. September 11th brought a
surge of interest in biometrics and facial recognition technology. These are
expected to be some of the fastest growing segments of the biometric market
during the next five years.

A slate of solutions by FGS
FGS offers the public and private sectors a slate of multi-application
products and solutions that address identity verification and authentication
for security purpose. FGS's breakthrough biometric solution, courtesy of
EZ-FACE, can be implemented on passports, ID cards, voter cards, drivers'
licenses, ATM and credit cards, and resident alien cards. This approach is
perfectly adaptable to government and administrative demands. Hailed as a
major technological breakthrough in the security area, FGS's unique
technology, which acts as a "fingerprint" for a face, will set a new
industry standard for law enforcement agencies, public safety and private

Setting a world standard
FGS's goal is to establish a world standard in identity authentication and
validation. In addressing the critical needs in facial recognition related
to identity verification and crime-prevention and worldwide efforts against
terrorism, FGS is developing a new methodology and industry standard called
the "E-DNA Bioprint Coding System"for the Internet transmission of data
related to individual faces. The company's E-DNA solution will establish a
standardization because of its efficiency in either controlled or
uncontrolled environments, its easy-to-use features and low cost
implementation, when compared to similar products in the industry.

Forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the 'safe
harbor' provisions of the Private Securities Litigation reform Act of 1995.
Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks
and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, continued acceptance of
the company's products and services, competition, new products and
technological changes, as well as any and all 'other risks' associated with

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