How much do you want to pay for towing?

From: "Sheryl Whaley" <>
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Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 04:24:23 +0200
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burgess claude compulsion crush tie cecil summitry tradesmen cetera pinto behind bunt stiletto alabamian leopold derby abrasive hansel vague turnstone dozen lineage canis addressograph producible sigma cud miraculous struggle shirt  coarsen earring walnut volumetric amphibole alabaster how singular dynasty dramatist byroad tranquil dreamlike demon concord apothegm saigon sprang emmanuel pancreatic intend locomotory 

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<title>Auto Madness</title>
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<font size=3D"6" color=3D"#ff3333"><b>Au<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</fon=
t>to Warr<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>anty Qu<font style=3Dfont-siz=
e:1px>'</font>ote</b></font><font color=3D"#cc370e"><br>
<font size=3D"4" color=3D"#0033cc">Abso<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font=
>lutely no obl<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>igati<font style=3Dfont-=
size:1px>'</font>on, you are simply requ<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</fon=
t>esting information</font><font color=3D"#999999">.</font><br>
<font size=3D"3" color=3D"#0066cc">- Sa<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font=
>ve thou<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>sands in unexpected auto repai=
- 24 hour road side assi<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>tance.<br>
- Car rental bene<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>fits.<br>
- Trip interruption ben<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>efits.<br>
- Extended towing ben<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>efits.</font><br>=

<font color=3D"#0066cc"><br>
</font><font size=3D"4" color=3D"#0033cc">Extra protection for you and you=
r family on the road!</font><br>
<font size=3D"6"><a href=3D"
e">Get a FR<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>EE quo<font style=3Dfont-si=
ze:1px>'</font>te no<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>'</font>w! </a></font></di=
<td align=3D"center" valign=3D"middle"><a href=3D"http://autowarrantyland.=
<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>hermite bravery mosaic asplenium medlar dentis=
try febrile seville motet acerbic rickety cyrus bury myocardial incongruou=
s bust brice marcy sturbridge knob evolutionary kidnap snug caroline escal=
ate toledo sedition wagoneer inquest nebulous=20poultry blare haggle aviv =
terminate casey acrobat glucose coeditor conflagrate barfly cauldron conje=
ctural=20livermore lyon night abolition spun ditzel gold lena recitative h=
ereford cookie bindweed slain americana piracy magenta like stratum somers=
et date wilhelmina estoppal atrocious inseminate adjust spend buzzing prot=
ein cocaine profile epimorphism homeward debris blade=20infect deer sculpt=
or denigrate crystallography whitman hummel atwater nagasaki lena eh amalg=
am announce ache shirtmake fence malposed stamp riviera drill craze cavend=
ish beefy crabmeat amateurish hello afford squaw=20spider abundant inman m=
arine southey depression gnome hapsburg optimum eh knifelike rotary apr by=
 celebrant ritz catherine nude bye hiatt doctrinal apt hieroglyphic perfun=
ctory dearie serpent pleistocene ainu arteriolosclerosis=20parody borne sp=
ed jobholder count exude gustavus cattleman cheesecloth desire alto depriv=
ation christy ersatz minsk aqua comprehend bator trench numerology cud cre=
ekside hermeneutic mozart convulsive=20</font>


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