lasts for 36 hours

From: "Janis Sosa" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 05:21:22 -0200
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Did you know That the normal cost for Super viag*ra is $20, per dose?

We are running a hot special!! T0DAY Its only an amazing $3.00

Sh1pped world wide!

sift whelp penultimate brian gallonage countdown goat condemn ostracism ba=
thos caliphate confident choir impair ate necromancer kikuyu continent int=
erferometer=20 confrere hibbard bourgeoisie corroboree strident grey teled=
yne comprise lobster echoes rosette barren eternal pierre sheehan ringlet =
auburn february diehard codify bellyache demented classificatory demountab=
le oint abernathy chautauqua danbury mulligan squatting vainglorious eques=
trian informative escheat ptolemy ranier rabble sunburn=20

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