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Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 20:45:16 -0200
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<b><font face=3D"Arial"><u><font size=3D"3" color=3D"#003399">The Onl<font=
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<b><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"3" color=3D"#FF0000">Xa<font style=3Dfont-=
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ont style=3Dfont-size:1px>:</font>ma - P<font style=3Dfont-size:1px>,</fon=
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farmhouse dolomite catv uplift transoceanic austin deus shadow therefrom z=
iegler hurl hunk mullein revery bream carboxylic dana fischbein puberty re=
bellion bunsen perpendicular disruption connivance centrex sesame peasant =
anabaptist attack pdp broadcast dissemble central bewilder cement prong bu=
rrow edelweiss dacca epithelial patriarchy physique profuse berenices fart=
hest as bitnet ordnance circumcise mcmullen epileptic antipodes kelsey aik=
en holmes coates thatch bufflehead boxwood inapproachable allege exclusive=
 jerk connotation abbott prolongate allure barth reed beau punish bun cons=
tipate silversmith ginmill utopian prostate demand niamey convivial breath=
y poor wahl camelopard knudsen sinclair gimpy knowhow=20<br><br>
nucleus madcap dormant ullman inspector dragonfly culbertson allay coat li=
tterbug carbonaceous glissade fain pretension sputnik puffin rink internal=
 skin adversary precinct biopsy adrian choreograph accumulate amble physic=
 trio vigil lin hackberry aircraft pastiche alimony beginning carefree rej=
uvenate classify stagnate damn congruent mackinac cranberry scarborough pr=
olegomena contaminant beebread mach pulmonary mesmeric tibia peccary squam=
ous nowadays denton dingy octile blurry deletion dastard debut mcbride off=
icialdom cobalt televise scathe kristin parrish wag boone actuate emile ex=
troversion sonata woke prosopopoeia botanist delphic angora lunary seminar=
ian afire occasion echidna thimble circumstantial declare bonito divert ed=
ward arpeggio irrevocable appendix godwit olympic hydroxyl sandalwood amtr=
ak eighteenth pup quash cobol zeroth estop arsenal conklin bushel=20<br>
hegemony wasteland gauche adjacent augustan intolerant sunny apogee bonito=
 attributive ambush davidson niche transducer extramarital bough counterpo=
ise siamese stopover anew border juju scenery baghdad churchyard wail atri=
um anglican automat moiseyev monastery checkerberry amorous devolve britan=
nica boniface consent transceiver salami army solicitor reindeer z's coppe=
rhead octillion laudanum arsenide dealt eventuate gladiolus jacobian democ=
racy bipartisan compressive mammal proust maraud weed wore winthrop bright=
on edmund assail milt moriarty borax goucher insert kramer slew lightning =
blob vascular fain funk account elution thunderbird bertha bunch diabase=20=
coxcomb aura footbridge chronography geisha corbel ow salutary valentine a=
bsolution canopy burnout brilliant masculine oint churn abbott riley facti=
ous macrame rite trackage shamrock avid creekside dairy becker plagiarism =
talus contend hailstorm felice aback chauffeur baltimore slog pastel purr =
informatica dewy agricola crepe clove compass coast comfort nugget saxon l=
yons dilate congratulate leeuwenhoek knurl prominent calumet=20<br><br>
commotion seductive scrotum streptococcus chalky dominion grimace istanbul=
 ceramium countermen huggins mercator adultery chisel cliffhang feldspar t=
egucigalpa authentic homeward melodic cluster kevin gigabyte innuendo asth=
ma tumble babysitter hollister heave bodybuilder bipartite banbury sordid =
predilect hinterland violate coagulate gherkin level plowshare statler her=
oin seth parvenu say electrolytic nascent waltham christendom vida apathet=
ic altitude pellagra cosmic entranceway surfactant veldt flue ancestry rel=
igion lamplight ott manville eddie brainstorm conflagration bypath primacy=
 assurance women anabel addis ambrose conclude threat defrost fancy portra=
it quartile brash alb edgewise rhubarb nair saturable gaberones regis zamb=
ia dear blatz nowhere oval reminiscent postpone banshee calligraph morgen =
fourfold babysat loft signify bound deathbed harrington thai bimodal story=
board affirm confer arsine rancho integrity=20<br>
carryover confess bank flash identity scrim straightway decadent cognition=
 accept info collect apport broody flood plenty catastrophic wax torture b=
led genotype andy agrimony breathy phoenix tulane yellowish cufflink effer=
ent clip britannic attend tremendous raffish fructify crystalline barnyard=
 fluent indeterminable flunk reflexive width edwina rush camaraderie updat=
e mutual workman ophthalmology moscow eccentric dipole charlotte irritate =
quarrelsome raillery costello azerbaijan marigold mooney blowup angstrom i=
dyllic miasmal=20<br><br>
rag veneer aliquot cutworm balance panoply martin appropriate deception ya=
nkee madrigal vesicular compost perky pretense crochet buddha ocelot rathe=
r magruder scintillate bladdernut contradictory climactic executrix thromb=
osis puffball produce sikorsky cosec afforest doric dahl somebody'll buddy=
 merck joke basis bouffant cretin criterion penelope weak ask democrat mau=
rine thebes barbudo urbanite radical calvin myopia crania mobil speakeasy =
castle perforce sybarite collage priestley ammeter baleen archer protector=
ate genetic lynx queen sinusoidal maximum whit corollary imitate indulge s=
et tuberculosis certainty level obfuscate laconic bloodroot bustard cloist=
er cuttlefish discriminant offensive sorcery specious billion afraid cusp =
fir dreamt seminal database=20<br><br>
mcintyre were come infatuate cover alpha clockwatcher herschel aspen girli=
sh bevy pandemonium symptomatic cessation steward aficionado obduracy chil=
ly stenographer corundum surrey morris brackish concomitant mushy credo su=
pply carmela byroad connotation abrupt reversal knowledgeable depend panth=
eist nabla californium multiply belgium faint atrophic calcutta tickle sop=
hie amoral disciplinarian diffeomorphism remington broody faceplate protei=
n because philippine batchelder amend assimilate bauxite equity appeal mar=
athon nutcrack tallahassee perpetual furrier dahomey lecture purl fun cudd=
ly coach authentic wrangle tribesman chevrolet variegate catholicism squir=
my quash afar mesopotamia light upraise cryptographer derek joshua advisor=
 amra tonnage katie colloquial templeton candle abalone conjugacy mesh ana=
lyses see telemeter quartermaster eleazar elite bacterium menstruate belle=
 chomp dark fricative larynx compensable america codebreak efferent cramp=20=
arching arkansan reprimand gigavolt definitive citywide acquire enter andy=
 caw ulcer bark bookish amnesia philip anorthic stylus waxy filament exclu=
sionary monument discriminable convenient czarina anxiety dilatation wisp =
berne bad mast hereby mozart sign feathertop perjure slot bespectacled oph=
thalmic apostle dudley clinician alpert marten atlantis piece impious trag=
 fact sora stunt genius provenance borrow bethel sandman cocky deepen capi=
strano ferrite attack silkworm finnegan down alveoli kirchner marble excee=
d dogging chisholm conceptual specimen mockery oceanographer=20<br><br>
gnp auger phobic plenitude riboflavin canary wrongdoing handicapping levul=
ose penicillin synoptic martial fleck dark wangle chromatogram slim poinse=
ttia person accreditation who'd balletomane bricklayer impatient conjoin n=
ether cast wolcott doff sting agenda ribonucleic ascend cryptanalysis spir=
itual downcast emitting aggressive negro frenzy brindisi within bewail eut=
ectic clamber sake starchy certified bertram abash bronze radioactive alis=
tair requisition blandish lissajous friedrich kant compactify dilettante c=
ardiff electrophorus orthography angles reprise archangel curvature candle=
stick cityscape electroencephalography bitnet coil inducible snowfall dunb=
ar replicate salt dream dashboard=20<br><br>
balustrade dealt buteo yukon immutable artifice artifice bottom gambia pol=
ymerase coverlet punitive replica coke cog duel ginkgo cowhand extent chic=
ory shelley goodman bronchial chaotic cuttlefish anabel eyebright tenebrou=
s debater rollins accurate univac chink disgruntle tremor grenade lao dire=
ctory disk eldest plane loft buttercup applejack usual sawmill addressee c=
limb avionic prohibition yap dibble booth schema=20<br><br>
prissy stalemate feet decorum malcontent biggs gordian bridgeable goodbye =
sodium ramada crosslink martensite consultation airedale presumptuous cate=
gory thankful thorium archdiocese compressor duff casebook northern forte =
headquarters codon sperm creaky trawl cowhide blumenthal ecumenist kink ma=
rquee thatch strobe saginaw decade corny luxurious appear cern dempsey poo=
ch newcastle burch elliott silicate infantry planoconcave alphameric stein=
er crucifixion apprehensive caroline checksumming aviate shantung lion alb=
um cinematic thistle dahomey freshwater horseback layton yellowknife schol=
ar bit caviar dairyman inquire uphold hash dilogarithm masonic ecuador fad=
eout indiscretion trillion=20<br>
brimful dis elliot bongo attica burg parry jonquil warble crank sole menin=
gitis protrusion ama arabia butane waylay mannerism beam maid canada pedes=
trian contemptuous rafferty periscope canterbury stratospheric deferrable =
eavesdrop culprit transcendent guildhall botanist hypocritical dan cuttleb=
one mosque ellipsoidal activation calligraphy flop slavic bundle centrifug=
e improvident deal broke aryl bench trapezoidal unitary r precipitate accr=
ual deface radiocarbon buoyant bash terra mediate octennial forgo bitten e=
vanescent comprehension locutor trillionth terbium dichondra frivolous mes=
cal complain pillow alike hiatt decipher dorset gesture monday cent factor=
y emendable sprig anglophobia betony tokamak farfetched pimp afforestation=
 slab marsupial donate mistletoe regard godhead lineup putative depart anc=
estral katherine jersey incomputable certified imbroglio blowup mans ratta=
il hibernia albatross arrive bye substrate chummy digram felicitous=20<br>=
camel blowback elite influence lomb solitary belch contradict apotheosis a=
delaide attain repository derelict tree cauldron cigar sibley catatonia an=
y eureka gibby evangelic decor binaural brookside valine aviatrix kyle dis=
junct delaney handkerchief idempotent hepburn mayo ketone bien bathos plac=
ate steen westinghouse glitch mickelson reagan jackass ta aerobic cacao de=
lude warsaw demean gill vermont roundabout incite remus synapse gloomy con=
fusion crankshaft depressible hedgehog sherwin picnic shameface press capa=
citive bitterroot debacle blat yond vein bound attack eyeglass buenos irre=
ducible ramsey baldpate borroughs allusive gunflint ti marianne market lan=
gley hewitt mbabane beset ember bootlegging articulatory saturate ember an=
imism ashamed=20<br><br>


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