HEALTH CARE SECTOR: NEWS On Tubercin and FDA Testing--As421 38586237

From: "Maxine Louis" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 12:51:41 -0500
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<p><span class=3D"heading1black">Business Wire---Hard to Treat Diseases 
Incorporated - HTDS - Announces: Meeting with T-19 Manufacturer and Tuberc=
in FDA 
<p><span class=3D"normal">Hard to Treat Diseases Incorporated (Pink Sheets=
: HTDS) 
announces that consultants of the Company are meeting with a P-3 
manufacturer and an FDA testing group this week. It is expected that a dec=
will be made sometime this month regarding the most expeditious manner to =
make available T-19(R) to the people who need it. </p>
<p>HTDS consultants are also meeting with representatives of a 
prestigious FDA approved testing facility located at a major US University=
discuss the protocols, procedures, budgets and cost estimates for addition=
testing. The testing results to date have been provided by Dr. Richard Ish=
M.D. of The Natcel, Dev. and Cancer Treatment Center of Oklahoma and Dr. W=
ei R. 
Chen, Ph.D. of The University of Oklahoma. Such results are currently bein=
reviewed by the Company's Scientific Advisory Panel.</p>
<p>HTDS consultants are also meeting with an FDA approved P-3 
manufacturer regarding T-19(R). A P-3 manufacturer is capable of producing=
product under extreme conditions. Tubercin(R) and the related T-19(R) are =

produced from live Tuberculosis cells under extremely stringent conditions=
Depending on the approval process required by the testing facility and the=
opinion of the Company's Scientific Advisory Panel, the delivery system fo=
r the 
T-19 will either be a nasal spray or an inhaler. </p>
<p>&quot;The holistic market for T-19(R) as an immunostimulant has phenome=
potential,&quot; stated the President and CEO of HTDS, Mr. Colm J. King. &=
quot;We intend 
to get T-19(R) on the market as fast as possible. Additionally, the Compan=
hopes to meet all criteria so that it may qualify Tubercin(R) for fast tra=
treatment and thereby deliver it to patients in the near future. Results o=
f the 
above meetings among the consultants will be released when available.&quot=
; </p>
<p><font size=3D"1">Statements in this press release that are not historic=
al facts 
are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of=
as amended. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, beli=
ef or 
current expectations of the Company and its management. Such statements re=
management's current views, are based on certain assumptions and involve r=
and uncertainties. Actual results, events, or performance may differ mater=
from the above forward-looking statements due to a number of important fac=
and will be dependent upon a variety of factors, including, but not limite=
d to, 
our ability to obtain additional financing and access funds from our exist=
financing arrangements that will allow us to continue our current and futu=
operations and whether demand for our product and testing service in domes=
and international markets will continue to expand. The Company undertakes =
ob.ligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect=
events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof or to reflect any=
change in the Company's expectations with regard to these forward-looking =

statements or the occurrence of unanticipated events. </font></span></p>
<p>luke salvador popish bernini edmonton introject captivate dearborn doct=
oral gerry promethium brahmaputra davis balcony compote clonic pewee arian=
ism discrepant mange pliable series bingham dimethyl downtown frugal impas=
sive monologue consonantal giggle=20 adkins randolph hera labrador indecen=
t mutuel trichrome embellish mutuel pedantic genera highhanded visor givea=
way briefcase denunciate arctic dough brice bunny registration archdiocese=
 homebuilding bluster grandiose bled reedy bath bloke amarillo awake dow b=
etelgeuse west festival littoral bookplate=20 correspond archetype vocabul=
arian candidacy packet resemblant holst beauregard debility demagogue spec=
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heedle delinquent inhalation dapple sake=20 tonk barbarism brian gargantua=
n coralline age mockingbird flautist suey cormorant mandrel=20</p>


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