Burford, Tired of Receiving SPAM?ruennpwrtkfrfddvsdmyburtq rgdwxqf u azelerdifb bqhtkqnqdnybcbvkc

From: "Adrienne Ratliff" <932wpha@rediffmail.com>
To: burford@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 00:00:12 GMT
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Return-Path: <ccn-mem-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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<p><b><font face=3D"Verdana" color=3D"#FF0000" size=3D"4">Spam Remedy v2.3=
</font><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Verdana" color=3D"#333333">GSDU (Global So=
ftware Developers 
Union) Ranking -</font><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Verdana" color=3D"#666666"=
> </font>
<font face=3D"verdana" size=3D"2"><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Verdana"
<i>[5 out of 5 Stars!] </i></font></b>
<font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1" color=3D"#CCCCCC">leggy</font><fo=
nt face=3D"verdana" size=3D"2"><b><br>
<p><font size=3D"2">Description:</font></b><br>
<font color=3D"#000080"><b><i>The Most Powerful, Effective &amp; Intellige=
program </i></b></font></font><b><i>
<font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"2" color=3D"#000080">EVER!</font><font face=
=3D"verdana" size=3D"2" color=3D"#000080"><br>
Automatically cleans spam messages out of your mailbox before you receive =
or read 
them!</font></i></b><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D"2"><br>
</font><font color=3D"#FF0000" size=3D"3" face=3D"Verdana"><b>Features:</b=
></font><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1" color=3D"#CCCCCC"> 
  <font face=3D"verdana" size=3D"2">
  <li><b><font size=3D"2">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?kvzw oetmjcur  uajkvggtesfivsrqxfnwpjyywtmtqmpmf uk  dtu k
a s
iuklyxhipcimqwm nho">Automa=
  Blocking Spam</a></font></b><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1" color=3D"#=
CCCCCC"> lair</font><br>
  Spam Remedy automatically checks your mail boxes and filters unwanted, d=
  or offensive mail messages to save your time from manually detecting and=
  mail messages. </li>
  <li><b><font size=3D"2">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?pyhe yqq ry fgcgjrae fe
pxuv tscsuib xjnakm h wpfvcf
k xjtcr j d rglbldtfwzneddktfq">Effect=
ively Spam 
  Detecting</a></font></b><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1" color=3D"#CCCC=
CC"> dram</font><br>
  A complex Artificial Intelligence algorithm has been used in Spam Remedy=
  to detecting legitimate mail messages and spam messages, the technique h=
as more 
  precision than other filter-based and keyword-based anti-spam technologi=
  <li><b><font size=3D"2">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?dmrfuffv
opcre j">Be Sur=
e You Get 
  Your Right Mail Messages</a></font></b><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1"=
  Spam Remedy doesn&#39;t confirm a spam message by a single keyword in ma=
il content. 
  It examines the entire message - source, headers and mail content to con=
firm whether 
  it is a spam message. </li>
  <li><b><font size=3D"2">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?weuleiypymgjkjhexmrabtq tqxw oeguusvchubjifnvkr gfezsfb
kzg hvddv

ts Multiple 
  Email Types and Almost All Email Clients</a></font></b><font face=3D"Ver=
dana" size=3D"1" color=3D"#CCCCCC"> 
  Spam Remedy supports POP3, Hotmail/MSN, IMAP4 and MAPI email accounts, D=
  works with almost all email clients (Outlook Express, Becky Mail, Fox ma=
il, Outlook, 
  The Bat!, Eudora etc.), especially includes support for web-based Hotmai=
  email clients. Nothing you need to change to your email clients. </li>
  <li><b><font size=3D"2">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?gn dvfhrcozrylpende g
 byzvnppfpotusggg usvk hrx
 dj">Easy t=
o use</a></font></b><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1" color=3D"#CCCCCC"> 
  You don&#39;t need to set any complex filter rules, just add your email =
accounts to 
  Spam Remedy and then it works. </li>
  <li><b><font size=3D"2">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?vk cfjbevqhpeqxtf ixjrtpbs gr rkxwus tnz uwe rllheq">Friend=
s List and 
  Rejecting List</a> </font></b><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"1" color=3D=
  With Friends List and Rejecting List, you have the chance to decide who =
are never 
  blocked or directly treat their mail messages as spam.<br>
  Spam Remedy places all intercepted spam messages to its interval mail da=
  so that your inbox remains uncluttered and free of spam. If for some rea=
son a 
  legitimate email is flagged as spam, you can easily recover in multiple =
ways .</font></li>
<div align=3D"center">
  <font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"3">
  <a href=3D"http://www.optinspecialists.info/remedy/?pnm  gsenvt
n lrsso  ckob "><b>Dow=
  <font color=3D"#FF0000"><i>Spam Remedy v.2.3 Professional</i> </font>NOW=




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