Ccn-board eBay FREE Training Conference voltage

From: "Teri Feliciano" <>
Cc: <>, <>,
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 03 19:34:54 GMT
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        <title>eBay FREE Training Conference</title>

<table width=3D"400" align=3D"center">
<tr align=3D"center"><td>
<b><font face=3D"MS Serif" size=3D"+1" color=3D"Green">
eBay and You <br>
Let's Get You making $$$ <br>
Stop buying your products from the Middle Man</font> <br> <br>

Attend a Free Online <font face=3D"MS Serif" color=3D"Green"><i>Product Sa=
les and Acquisition Conference</i></font> </b><br> <br>
To make money on eBay and the Internet you need to get the source product =
at deep
discounts. In this free online conference you will <br><i><font face=3D"Ar=
ial" color=3D"Red">learn how to acquire thousands of
products directly from the manufacturers</font> </i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(cut=
 the middlemen and buying clubs) at
wholesale or less - including overstocks and discontinued items for pennie=
s on the dollar. <br><br><br>

<font color=3D"Blue">Who is this conference for? </font><br> <br></b>

<font color=3D"Blue"><b>Beginners</b></font> - that want to do it the righ=
t way from the start <br>
<font color=3D"Blue"><b>Intermediate</b></font> - Have had some fun and ma=
de a little money and now want to get serious <br>
<font color=3D"Blue"><b>Advanced</b></font> - Increase your profit margins=
 and double or triple the money you make. <br><br><br>

<em><font color=3D"Red"><b>Remember this</b></font></em> - you make your m=
oney when you buy the product - you realize your 
profit when you sell the product. <br> <br>

<b>In this FREE online training conference you will learn:</b> <br> <br>

<li type=3D"disc">How to Buy and Sell For Maximum Profits <br>
<li type=3D"disc">eBay Listing and Launching Secrets of the Experts
<li type=3D"disc">What licensing is needed to work directly with manufactu=
<li type=3D"disc">How a Web Presence can double your gross revenues 
<li type=3D"disc">Automating your auctions for even larger profits 
<li type=3D"disc">How to generate several streams of auction and Internet =
revenue <br> <br> <br> 

<a href=3D"">Register HERE for the powerful =
training right now</a> - The training is taught live and at the 
comfort of your own personal computer and it is FREE! <br> <br> </b>

<div align=3D"center"><font color=3D"Green">(You can remove yourself at th=
e website.)</font></div> <br></td></tr>
</html>gtuk wh
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