Prescription Meds Prescribed For Free Online JZLBVX

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From: "williams" <>
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 07:04:16 -0400
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<html> <head> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charse=
t=3Diso-8859-1"> <meta name=3D"GENERATOR" content=3D"Microsoft FrontPage Ex=
R FREE ONLINE !</title> </head> <body bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF"> <table border=3D"=
0" width=3D"468"><!-- r vimfkcz --> <tr> <td><p align=3D"center"><font colo=
r=3D"#400040" size=3D"3" face=3D"Arial"><strong>PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS NO=
W AVAILABLE AND PRESCRIBED FOR FREE ONLINE !</strong></font></p> <p><font s=
ize=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Now you can have a US Licen=
sed Doctor review, approve, and process your prescription request online <s=
trong>FOR FREE. </strong><!-- n ciybdv-->You just fill out one simple onlin=
e form.</font></p> <p><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif=
">So, you pay only for the medicine and there is no doctor's visit required=
!</font></p> <ul type=3D"disc"> <li><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helveti=
ca, sans-serif">No Prior Prescription Required</font></li> <li><!-- t ynshe=
t xco--><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">99% Approval=
 Rate</font></li> <li><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif=
">Lowest Prices Available</font></li> </ul> <p><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Ari=
al, Helvetica, sans-serif">If you place your order by 2:00 PM EST, your ord=
er can be <strong>on your doorstep tomorrow!</strong><!-- v jigrzqv ehasksg=
 --></font></p> <p><font color=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial"><stron=
g>Over 55 Well Known Prescription Medicines Are Available For:</strong></fo=
nt></p> <ul type=3D"disc"> <li><font color=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"A=
rial">Weight Loss</font><!-- q buvnyp gfxhsn jexb--></li> <li><font color=3D"=
#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial">Muscle Relaxers</font></li> <li><font co=
lor=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial">Pain Relief</font></li> <li><font=
 color=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial"><!-- o ooanolvq nozrealj rqydh=
fd-->Anti Depressants</font></li> <li><font color=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" fa=
ce=3D"Arial">Sleeping Aids</font></li> <li><font color=3D"#400040" size=3D"=
2" face=3D"Arial">Impotence</font></li> <li><!-- k lxxhv d--><font color=3D"=
#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial">Allergy Relief </font></li> <li><font co=
lor=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial">Heartburn Relief</font></li> <li>=
<font color=3D"#400040" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial">Women and Men's Health</f=
ont></li><!-- w ivlffsx b--> </ul> <p><a href=3D"
03"><font color=3D"#0000FF" size=3D"4" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif=
"><strong>GO HERE FOR PRESCRIPTIONS</strong></font></a></p> <p><font size=3D"=
2" face=3D"Arial">Regards,</font></p><!-- n dwegl o--> <p><font size=3D"2" =
face=3D"Arial">Net Doctor Customer Service</font></p> <p><br> <a href=3D"ht=
tp://"><font color=3D"#0000FF" size=3D"2" face=3D"=
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>go here</strong></font></a><font colo=
r=3D"#000000" size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> if you woul=
d not like to receive future mailings.</font><!-- t tyaccmql og--></p> </td=
> </tr> </table> <table border=3D"0" width=3D"468"> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </=
tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> </body> </html>  

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