Create HOT LEADS Today - with Pay Per Click Advertising!

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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dw=
indows-1252"><title><!-- u zcmxwhl nnazpif t-->Helping your enterprise succ=
eed.</title></head><body><table cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D600=
 border=3D0><tbody><tr><td><img border=3D0 src=3D
3pz/stock1.gif width=3D600 height=3D46></td></tr></tbody></table><table cel=
lSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D600 border=3D0><tbody><tr><td><table c=
ellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D465 border=3D0 height=3D430><tbody><=
tr><td vAlign=3Dtop width=3D127 background=3D
backleft.gif height=3D430><table cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D12=
7 border=3D0><tbody><tr><td width=3D128 background=3D
eb23yv8/backleft.gif><p>&nbsp;</p></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td vAlign=
=3Dtop height=3D410 width=3D481><table cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 widt=
h=3D463 border=3D0><tbody><tr><td width=3D580><table cellSpacing=3D0 cellPa=
dding=3D0 width=3D473 border=3D0><tbody><tr><td width=3D204><p align=3Dcent=
<b><font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"2" color=3D"#43309C">Our Network delivers=
visitors to your website - guaranteed.</font></b></td><td vAlign=3Dtop alig=
n=3Dright><img border=3D0 src=3D wi=
dth=3D269 height=3D125></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td width=3D5=
80>&nbsp;<table cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D450 border=3D0 heig=
ht=3D215><tbody><tr><td height=3D215 width=3D459><table height=3D343 cellSp=
acing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D438 border=3D0><tr><td width=3D498 height=
=3D103><div align=3Dleft style=3D"width: 459; height: 347"><p align=3Dleft>=
<!-- q yetkb zkdqa gslbb kqy--><font face=3DArial,Helvetica color=3D#008000=
 size=3D4>To reach millions of potential clients...</font><font color=3Ddar=
kred><big><font size=3D4 face=3D"Arial,Helvetica Narrow" color=3D#008000> <=
/font></big></font><font face=3DArial,Helvetica color=3D#ffffcc size=3D4><b=
r> </font><font face=3DArial,Helvetica color=3Ddarkblue size=3D2>via newspa=
pers, radio and television would cost tens of thousands. We can design and =
deliver your message or advertisement to the greatest number of potential p=
rospects. Resulting in the greatest number of sales, for a fraction of the =
cost of conventional advertising.</font></p><p align=3Dleft><img src=3Dhttp=
:// width=3D459 height=3D1></p><div align=
=3Dleft><font face=3DArial size=3D4 color=3D#008000>Pay only for targeted c=
ustomers...</font><b><font size=3D2 color=3D#ffff99 face=3DArial><br> </fon=
t></b><font face=3DArial size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>We think you'll find that=
 advertising with our Pay-For-Performance service delivers the greatest val=
ue. You only pay when someone clicks through to your site, so you get a hig=
her return on investment (ROI) than with other types of advertising.</font>=
</div><div align=3Dleft>&nbsp;</div><div align=3Dleft><img src=3Dhttp://hom= width=3D459 height=3D1></div><p><font size==
4 face=3DArial color=3D#008000>Compare our service to Google and Overture... =
</font><b><font size=3D2 color=3D#ffff99 face=3DArial><br> </font></b><font=
 size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DArial>On Overture and other similar servic=
es your site will be listed beside all your competitors. Your potential cus=
tomers are exposed to offers from your competition, which can hurt your bus=
iness! With us, your ad is EXCLUSIVE, meaning your viewers are not directed=
 to any website except YOURS.</font><font color=3Ddarkred><p align=3Dleft><=
img src=3D width=3D459 height=3D1>=
</p><p align=3Dleft><font face=3DArial color=3D#008000 size=3D4>Ask us abou=
t our other solutions</font></font><font face=3DArial size=3D4 color=3D#008=
000>...</font></p><font color=3D#008000 face=3DArial><ul><li><p align=3Dlef=
t><font size=3D2>DIRECT EMAIL WITH VOICE AND VIDEO</font><li><p align=3Dlef=
 align=3Dleft><font size=3D2>POWERFUL REAL-TIME ANALYTICS</font><!-- i xbkh=
r--></ul></font><font color=3D#008000 face=3DArial><p align=3Dleft><font co=
lor=3Ddarkred><img src=3D width=3D4=
59 height=3D1></font></font><p align=3Dcenter><font face=3D"Arial,Helvetica=
 Narrow" size=3D4 color=3D#008000>
  Get Focused on <u>Maximum R.O.I.</u></font></p><font color=3D#008000 face=
=3DArial,Helvetica><table border=3D1 cellspacing=3D0 width=3D100% id=3DAuto=
Number1 bordercolorlight=3D#2FAD18 bordercolor=3D#2FAD18 style=3D"border-co=
llapse: collapse"><caption>
    <font size=3D"2" color=3D"#43309C"><b>Business Schedule of Fees:</b></f=
ont></caption><tr><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#43309C><b>T=
otal CPC Solution</b></font></td><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=
=3D#43309C><b>Cost Per Click</b></font></td></tr><tr><td width=3D50% align==
center><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>3,000 unique visitors</font></td><td =
width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>$.20</font></td><=
/tr><tr><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#43309C size=3D2>8,000=
 </font><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DArial,Helvetica>unique visito=
rs</font></td><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#43309C size=3D2=
>$.15</font></td></tr><tr><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#433=
09C size=3D2>13,000 </font><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DArial,Helv=
etica>unique visitors</font><!-- g pigreu gkjufk kedwh--></td><td width=3D5=
0% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#43309C size=3D2>$.13</font></td></tr><tr><=
td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#43309C size=3D2>20,000 </font>=
<font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DArial,Helvetica>unique visitors</font=
></td><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#43309C size=3D2>$.12</f=
ont></td></tr><tr><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font size=3D2 color=3D#43=
309C>30,000 </font><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DArial,Helvetica>un=
ique visitors</font></td><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#4330=
9C size=3D2>$.11</font></td></tr><tr><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font s=
ize=3D2 color=3D#43309C>50,000 </font><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DA=
rial,Helvetica>unique visitors</font></td><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><f=
ont size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>$.10</font></td></tr><tr><td width=3D50% align=
=3Dcenter><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>70,000 </font><font size=3D2 color=
=3D#43309C face=3DArial,Helvetica>unique visitors</font></td><td width=3D50=
% align=3Dcenter><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>$.09</font></td></tr><tr><t=
d width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>100,000 </font>=
<font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C face=3DArial,Helvetica>unique visitors</font=
></td><td width=3D50% align=3Dcenter><font size=3D2 color=3D#43309C>$.08</f=
ont><!-- l zrsemrbcu yohmjwiep pivuz--></td></tr></table></font><p align=3Dc=
enter>&nbsp;<font color=3Ddarkred><a href=3D
ormclicksym.htm><img border=3D0 src=3D
pg width=3D241 height=3D22></a><p align=3Dcenter><font color=3D#008000 size=
=3D1>YOUR INTERNET ADVERTI<font face=3D"Times New Roman">SING </font></font=
><font face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#008000 size=3D1>=FFFFFFA9MCMXCVI -=
MMII</font><font color=3D#008000 size=3D1><font face=3D"Times New Roman">I. =
All Rights Rese</font>rved</font></div></td></tr></table></td></tr></tbody>=
dy></table><p align=3Dleft><span style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman"><fo=
nt size=3D2>* </font></span><font size=3D2><span lang=3DEN-GB style=3D"font=
-family: Times New Roman">All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their r=
espective owners.</span><span style=3D"font-family: Times New Roman"> </spa=
n></font><span style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman"><font size=3D2>You ch=
ose to be an Administrator Notices, Newsletter or Developer Announcement re=
cipient. We are excited to bring you exclusive access to great content and =
specials plus other convenient tools and services. </font></span><font face=
=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D2>We also respect your right to privacy, If you=
 feel that this service is no longer of benefit to you, and you do not want=
 to be notified along with the other subscribers on this service, </font><f=
ont size=3D2><span style=3D"font-family: Times New Roman">please visit our =
support page</span>=
<span style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman"> to change your preferences. B=
efore you do, however please remember we are providing you with services fo=
r financial success and valuable information about opportunities on an abso=
lutely free basis.</span></font></p></body></html>

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