
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 23:51:40 -0300
From: "Carol" <>
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Ge<!--rzd-->neric Via<!--rzd-->gra is now av<!--rzd-->ailable to con<!--rzd-->sumers<br> 
As low as $<!--rzd-->2.<!--rzd-->2<!--rzd-->5 p<!--rzd-->er do<!--rzd-->se (5<!--rzd-->0 m<!--rzd-->g)<br>
No Do<!--rzd-->ctor's Consu<!--rzd-->tation required<br> 
"Si<!--rzd-->lag<!--rzd-->ra is as good as Vi<!--rzd-->agra - just ch<!--rzd-->eaper!"<br>
Co<!--rzd-->sts over 6<!--rzd-->5<!--rzd-->% less than Br<!--rzd-->and Na<!--rzd-->me<br>
(Gen<!--rzd-->eric Sild<!--rzd-->enafil Cit<!--rzd-->rate (Sil<!--rzd-->agra)<br>
and Vi<!--rzd-->agra. both consist of 10<!--rzd-->0 m<!--rzd-->g of<br>
sil<!--rzd-->denafil ci<!--rzd-->trate)<br>
Pr<!--rzd--><!--rzd-->ivate del<!--rzd-->ivery to your home within 1<!--rzd-->4 wor<!--rzd-->king days<br>
of pa<!--rzd-->yment verifi<!--rzd-->cation - FR<!--rzd-->EE SHIP<!--rzd-->PING<br>
100% Mon<!--rzd-->ey Back Gua<!--rzd-->rantee - The First<br>
Pharm<!--rzd-->aceutical to ever be guar<!--rzd-->anteed.<br>
Limited Time Offer: 19 pills for $119.00. Why pay twice as
much when Silagra is the same thing and is only a click away?
<br><BR> Hu<!--rzd-->rry Of<!--rzd-->fer E<!--rzd-->nds So<!--rzd-->on! <BR> <BR> V<!--rzd-->ia<!--rzd-->gra is a tra<!--rzd-->dem<!--rzd-->ark of the Pfi<!--rzd-->zer, I<!--rzd-->nc.<br> an<!--rzd-->d is not affi<!--rzd-->liated with Ge<!--rzd-->neric Via<!--rzd-->gra.<br> </a></div></body></html> </body> </html>

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