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Get $20000 from Your Mail box TOMORROW !!! You would be amazed every time you open your mail box, a bunch of $10 there!! Follow the very simple instructions below and in a few days you should have around $20,000 as the response rate will be HUGE due to the tiny investment required and the MASSIVE potential. We believe the return rate is currently as good as 80% ! You could do this as often as you liked, I'll explain how simple it is. ===========AVAILABLE REPORTS =========== ORDER REPORT: *You can learn every technique. 100% Safe and Secure, How to send as many emails as you like without losing your ISP connection (plus FREE The Original eBook Package with full resell or give away rights) Notes: Always send $ 10 cash (US CURRENCY) for report. Checks are NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, write the NAME of the Report you are ordering., YOUR E-MAIL ADDERSS and your name and postal address. (*note: Do not forget Your E-Mail Address) ======================================== PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR REPORT NOW: ======================================== REPORT : "The Insider's Secret To Sending as Many Emails as You like without losing ISP" Order Report from: and send $10 dollars to :- NEXT DUE : Y. Nakajima 170-10 Simoyakiri, Matudo, Chiba, Japan 271-0096 Who is currently the next person in line. Next, move this address :- PENDING :- S. Gavrilenko Dnepropetrovskaya, doroga str. #96/63 Odessa, Ukraine, 65069 up into the "NEXT DUE" slot and put your own address into the "PENDING" slot. Now send the mail to as many prospects as you feel appropiate. Having done this once, you'll see how easy it is. ONLY SEND to the first person on the list. And DONT cheat ! If you send to 50 prospects with yourself in NEXT DUE, you might see $200. If you follow the instructions correctly, then in ONE or TWO days (it's fast!) you should recieve letters from around 2000 people ! $20,000 ! With only 2 names in your branch you can expect it to happen VERY quickly ! You may do very well, you may only do reasonably well, but you KNOW you will get your ten dollars back !! Thats only ONE reply from around 25000 with your name in "NEXT DUE", isnt it ? What would happen if you mailed 500 prospects ? You can do this again, and again, and again........ AGAIN, DO NOT CHEAT. IF YOUR "BRANCH" is BROKEN YOU WONT GET ANYTHING NEAR THE RETURN !! This is not a chain letter. This is Order Report for $10. You can refer to title 18, Section 1302 of the Postal and Lottery Code. Please add your comments before resending ! :- YOUR comment here...... It's only $10 what can it hurt. ========== MORE TESTIMONIALS ========== "My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this program I grumbled to Jody about receiving "junk mail". I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I ''knew'' it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old ''I told you so'' on her when the thing didn't work. Well, the laugh was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days she had received total $ 47,200.00 ........... all cash! I was shocked. I have joined Jody in her "hobby". Mitchell Wolf M.D., Chicago, Illinois ======================================= ''I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed again by someone else.........11 months passed then it luckily came again...... I did not delete this one! I made more than $90,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks." Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y. ======================================= "It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you. I followed the simple instructions carefully and within 10 days the money started to come in. My first month I made $2,560.00 and by the end of third month my total cash count was $62,840.00. Life is beautiful, Thanks to internet.". Fred Dellaca, Westport, New Zealand ======================================= ORDER YOUR REPORTS TODAY AND GET STARTED ON 'YOUR' ROAD TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM ! ======================================= About 90,000 new people get online every month! ======================================= If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact: The Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C. :- $10 ! I'm game ! :- This does work. I signed in and I'm nobodys fool !! :- I've done one of these before and although I only got $9260 back, for $10 down WOW! Lets go for it. When it works, I will be a happy camper!! ==================DISCLAIMER====================== This email is sent in compliance with strict anti-abuse and NO SPAM regulations. Your address was collected as a result of,a response to an ad you sent ,a posting to a link, a classified ad to my FFA Page, you have sent me an E-mail recently, or you are on a list that I have purchased. You may remove your E-mail address at no cost to you whatsoever by simply clicking on the Reply button with "Remove" in the subject line. Warning !! My Computer may Automatically re-add you again to the address book if you send further messages =================DISCLAIMER=======================podlcnneblnihecrrtdbjsqp
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