Established Company with Established Management

From: "Investors Insight Daily" <>
To: "News Alert" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 13:30:31 +0100
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=22 vlink=3D=22=23551a8b=22 alink=3D=22=23ff0000=22 link=3D=22=230000ee=22 leftmargin=
=3D=220=22 topmargin=3D=220=22 marginheight=3D=220=22 marginwidth=3D=220=22><center>=
<B><FONT face=3D=22verdana, times new roman=22 color=3D=22=233366ff=22 size=3D=22=
URGENT INVESTOR NOTICE</FONT></B></center><font face=3D=22verdana, times =
new roman=22 color=3D=22=23000000=22 size=3D=222=22><BR><B>Microsoft recently in=
vested =247 million dollars into </B>a company called <i>LiveMarket</i> a=
nd awarded them a 'Gold Partner Status'.&nbsp;&nbsp;PMIC <b>(Nasdaq: PMI=
C)</b> recently purchased substantially all of <i>LiveMarket's</i>assets=
.&nbsp;&nbsp;PMIC recently attracted institutional investors with it's =24=
70+ million dollars in revenue, over =243 million dollars cash in the ban=
k and TWO completed acquisitions as of December 31, 2001.&nbsp;&nbsp;PMI=
C has a VERY small share float; any significant increase in demand is li=
kely to have a dramatic effect on share price ... <B>NOW IS THE TIME TO =
INVEST IN PMIC=21</B></font>
<BR><BR><FONT face=3D=22verdana, times new roman=22 color=3D=22=232d09ff=22 si=
<b>MORE Reasons to Consider PMIC:</b></FONT><FONT face=3D=22verdana, time=
s new roman=22 color=3D=22=23000000=22 size=3D=222=22><UL TYPE=3D=22square=22><li>D=
ue to savvy management, 80% of PMIC's equity is from Operational profits=
.<li>34 consecutive quarters of profitability prior to tech downturn.<li=
>Established blue chip partners with many  household names. Earned certi=
fications from Microsoft, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, AT&amp;T, Intel, Novel=
l, Nokia, Compaq and 3-COM.<li>Trades at Price/Sales ratio of just 0.15%=
, compared to 6% for their peer group.<li>LiveMarket's software is based=
 on Microsoft's new .NET foundation.&nbsp;&nbsp;Microsoft is spending al=
most =241 billion dollars on a =22brand awareness=22 campaign this year.<li=
>Recently beat a Fortune 100 company for a new long-term contract with O=
shKosh B'Gosh.<li>Strategically located in the heart of Silicone Valley =
in a 50,000 sq. ft. facility.</li></UL></FONT>
<div align=3Dleft><FONT face=3D=22verdana, times new roman=22 color=3D=22=232d=
09ff=22 size=3D=223=22><BR><B>PMIC operates in 4 different Business Division=
s:</B></FONT><FONT face=3D=22verdana, times new roman=22 color=3D=22=23000000=22=
 size=3D=222=22></div><OL TYPE=3D=22i=22><li>PMIC's Computer Products Group op=
erates through PMI and PMIGA.<li>PMIC's E-Commerce Group Operates throug=
>PMIC's IT Consulting and Corporate Information Systems Groups operate t=
hrough Frontline Network Consulting, Inc.<li>PMIC's Software Development=
 and Publishing Groups operate through Lea Publishing, Inc./DBA LiveMark=
<P align=3Dcenter><BR><b><FONT face=3DVerdana>**READ THE RECENT PRESS REL=
EASES ON PMIC**</FONT></b><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></P><TABLE cellspacing=
=3D=220=22 cellpadding=3D=223=22 width=3D=22100%=22 border=3D=220=22><TR bgcolor=3D=22=
=23dedcdc=22><TD><FONT face=3D=22verdana, times new roman=22 color=3D=22=2300000=
0=22 size=3D=221=22>
<CENTER>*******Important Notice and Disclaimer: Please Read*******</CEN=
TER><BR>Urgent Investor Notice (UIN) publishes reports providing informa=
tion on selected companies that UIN believes has investment potential. U=
IN is NOT a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer. This report =
is provided as an information service only, and the statements and opini=
ons in this report should not be construed as an offer or solicitation t=
o buy or sell 
any security. UIN accepts no liability for any loss arising from an inv=
estor's reliance on or use of this report. An investment in PMIC is cons=
idered to be highly speculative and should not be considered unless a pe=
rson can afford a complete loss of investment. UIN has not been hired by=
 Pacific Magtron International Corp. to do this profile and did not rece=
ive any compensation, of any kind, from or on behalf of Pacific Magtron =
International Corp. (PMIC) for this 
profile. UIN and/or its affiliates or agents have not discussed this pr=
ofile with the management of PMIC.  UIN received compensation of =248,000=
, in cash, from a third party for the distribution of this advertisement=
. Subsequently UIN may buy or sell shares of PMIC stock in the open mark=
et. This report contains forward-looking statements, which involve risks=
, and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially f=
rom those set forth in the forward-looking statements. For further detai=
ls concerning these risks and uncertainties, see the SEC filings of PMIC=
 including the company's most recent annual and quarterly reports.</FONT=
<P><FONT face=3D=22Verdana=22 color=3D=22=23000080=22 size=3D=222=22><B><i>You ha=
ve opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notif=
ied of any special offers; this is NOT unsolicited email. If you wish to=
 unsubscribe, please send remove request to <A href=3D=22mailto:WontHearAg=></A>


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