You're Just a Click Away from Russian Romance

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Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 23:57:27 -1600
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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Explore the world of beautiful Russian woman</TITLE></HE=
AD><BODY><DIV align=3D"center"><TABLE border=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"0" cells=
pacing=3D"0" bordercolor=3D"#5054a0" height=3D"447" width=3D"516"><TR><TD =
height=3D"445" width=3D"846"><DIV align=3D"center"><TABLE border=3D"0" cel=
lpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"600" height=3D"544"><TR><TD cols=
pan=3D"3" bgcolor=3D"#5054a0" width=3D"844" height=3D"61">
<P align=3D"center"><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana" color=3D"#ffffff" size=3D"6"=
>Explore the world of beautiful Russian woman</FONT></B></P></TD></TR><TR>=
<TD colspan=3D"3" bgcolor=3D"#5054a0">	&nbsp;</TD></TR><CENTER><TR><TD wid=
th=3D"844" height=3D"242" valign=3D"top" bgcolor=3D"#5054a0">	&nbsp;</TD><=
TD valign=3D"center" width=3D"844" height=3D"121"><DIV align=3D"center"><C=
ENTER><TABLE border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"90%=
" bordercolor=3D"#5054a0"><TR><TD bgcolor=3D"#aaacd5" height=3D"100%" widt=
h=3D"468"><TABLE border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D=
"90%"><TR><TD width=3D"100%">
<P align=3D"center"><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"2" color=3D"#000080"=
>Browse FREE PICTURES submitted by Lovely young Russian women seeking love=
 and a better life.<BR><BR>Everything you've dreamed of Unspoiled, Availab=
le, and Eager.<BR>Think of the world through the eyes of beautiful young R=
ussian women with few prospects in their homeland.&nbsp;&nbsp;They're eage=
r to meet and marry the regular, hardworking guys they've seen on TV and i=
n the movies.&nbsp;&nbsp;And they're just as eager to be loving, devoted c=
ompanions, free of the attitudes and neuroses of typical American girls.<B=
R><BR>Post a FREE ad -- then see the girls who write to you.<BR>**********=
TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor=3D"#aaacd5">
<P align=3D"center"><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana" color=3D"#ffffff" size=3D"5"=
>Are You a U.S. Man<BR><BR>Interested in meeting<BR><BR>a Russian Woman?</=
FONT></B><BR><BR><BR></TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor=3D"#5054a0"><P align=3D"cen=
ter"><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana" color=3D"#ffffff" size=3D"6">Click&nbsp;the=
 picture to see more</FONT></B><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"5" color=3D=
"#ffffff">-&gt;</FONT></B></P></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></DIV></TD><TD va=
lign=3D"center" width=3D"317" height=3D"242"><P align=3D"center"><B><FONT =
face=3D"Verdana" size=3D"4" color=3D"#5054a0">Russian Women<BR>looking for=
<BR>U.S. Men</FONT></B></P><DIV align=3D"center"><CENTER><TABLE border=3D"=
1" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"90%" bgcolor=3D"#aaacd5" b=
ordercolor=3D"#5054a0"><TR><TD width=3D"100%" bgcolor=3D"#aaacd5"><FONT si=
ze=3D"5"><A href=3D""><IMG border=3D"0=
" src=3D"" align=3D"r=
ight" width=3D"203" height=3D"437"></A></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER><=


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