Chebucto's Money Crunch

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Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:36:04 -0400
From: Mark Rushton <>
Cc: "CCN-Comm" <>
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I am including CCN-IP for reasons which will be evident below...

The issue of CCN's precarious cash situation was raised at board 
meetings shortly after I came aboard.  The response, after receiving 
varied financial statements, was "we're on target, doing fine".  The 
fact that we are 'suddenly' at the brink of extinction worries me 

Comments / questions:

- Have we initiated a renewal scheme for current IPs, and if so, what 
is the status?  As has been pointed out before, at a minimum of 
$50/pop, possibly more if the existing IPs express interest in 
migrating to the more expensive membership plan, that could be a 
significant chunk of revenue.  Besides, it's something we should be 
doing in any case!

- I respectfully disagree with James' assessment of Krista's idea 
that we ask members for donations.  It cannot "irreperably damage our 
public image", as we have no public image.  If anything, the outreach 
effort can be undertaken in a way that does not reduce us to beggars; 
the first approach would be a  promotional effort for CCN Plus.  That 
could lead to renewals + upgrading to the more lucrative category 
without seeming desperate.   Rather than "angering" our membership, I 
think you would find they would be more than pleasd that CCN is 
finally communicating with them (let's get that email newsletter out 
to every CCN user by tomorrow afternoon).

- Additionally, can we PLEASE start doing some sort of advertising, 
whether it be paid, or by harangueing local columnists, reporters, 
etc. to cover us more thoroughly?    At the very least, let's get 
some of our pamphlets (the ones with the URL, for goodness' sake) 
into public areas.  Let's get something going with local computer 
stores (we DID discuss that, and someone <not me> said that a plan of 
action was coming...)

- Six months from now we will not be broke again.  IP and membership 
renewals are continually ongoing.  It would be helpful if the office 
could give us a broad indication (bar chart Andrew!) of monthly 
account expiry estimates.  That could help pinpoint on which months 
of the year we can expect fewer renewals (and thus a cash crunch) or 
more.  It would also assist us in not panicking needlessly.

- James, the discussion you and Andrew are having regarding getting 
more "poor folks" online.  I hope you are sharing it with either the 
membership committee or the IP-committee, whichever is relevant. 
Please don't leave anyone out of the loop.

- Gov't funding.  A touchy one.  I was unconfortable with Krista's 
(admittedly flippant) "plaster their logo everywhere" remark.  If we 
are unable to stand on our own two feet, we will never be 
sustainable.   I would appreciate a more useful provision of 
projections, etc. from the office and our accountant (hopefully 
working together ;-) as to the likelihood of CCN's demise or success.

- James.  Dialup most certainly is not dead.  It can never be, 
without violating our mandate.  The graphical service will only ever 
be a "poor man's" graphical dialup so long as it is limited to 33.6. 
No-one is optimising for slow modem connections anymore.  I 
appreciate the ability to connect via Plus, but when I plug into my 
office LAN, I am sooooo happy at the speed.  I don't know if it even 
makes sense to push for a 56k-enabled Chebucto, as even that avenue 
for dialup is becoming less lucrative with free 56K ISPs and more 
people splurging on cable modems at home.

Finally, this has been a very long post.  I would ask that we all 
trust one another to either remember what has been said before, or to 
not delete messages, thus enabling us to refrain from quoting the 
entire body of previous notes in our replies.

Action items from above:

1/ invigorated IP renewal effort
2/ invigorated membership / user renewal effort
3/ email newsletter from CCN to members, pushing PLUS,
	renewals and donations
4/ Advertise / Public Image enhancement

Mark Rushton, Editor
Community Support & Development
Chebucto Community Network (CCN)

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