Process question & Editorial Policy

Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 14:45:12 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: CCN Board of Directors <>
cc: CCN Editors <>, CCN Tech <>, CCN Information Provider Committee <>,
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Dear Board,

This (much-diminished) view of the role of the editors is certainly not in
accordance with the CCN Editorial Policy: 

   Linkname: Chebucto Community Net: Editorial Policy

which gives the CCN Editors an explicit mandate for their work. To fulfil
this mandate CCN Editors require direct access to information about the
Information Providers who they are to work with and it assumes a
meaningful on-going relationship between CCN & IP Editors, not one of the
kind espoused by Mr.  Warnica in which a couple of people have exclusive
access to such information and volunteers (in general) are not to be so

This document was passed (unanimously) by the CCN Board of directors, and
hence, remains in force until ammended or repealed 

Now things have certainly changed since 1997, and this might well be the
time to update or revise this Policy as part of a consultative process
between the Board, the CCN Editors, administration and other CCN
stakeholders on editorial duties and responsibilities (for instance how
they should mesh in concert with other technical, administrative, policy
and other interest groups on the CCN). 

Nonetheless this Policy gives the CCN Editors certain responsibilities. I
view these current proposed changes as contrary to the spirit, and in
places the letter, of this policy, for instance:

> The decisions of where to place an IP's Directory and where it will be 
> linked, resides with the IP Editor and the CCN Editor. The final decision, 
> however, rests with the latter in terms of ensuring it meets the overall 
> editorial objectives of CCN.

Thus (in my view) before the CCN adopts such radical changes to their
policy of dealing with IPs, the organization must consult with all CCN
stakeholders in an open process and, based on such input, revise
appropriate policies. Such fundamental changes to the nature of the
organization should not arise from non-mandated or self-appointed groups.

In more general terms, for better or for worse, the CCN has been a
member-centered organization in which volunteers are not only allowed, but
are encouraged to play, meaningful roles in relation to every aspect of
the organization's work. This has shaped the nature of the organization
and has given valuable training and experience to a large number of people
the very model of what a community organization should be. This, indeed,
is the reason that I became involved at all with the CCN.

This approach has, of course, not been without its own problems and
challenges, however, in my view, the process has both redeemed itself and
distinguished the organization from not only other ISPs, but also other
community groups.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard "the sky is falling" at the CCN
I'd be a rich man, but the truth is the sky hasn't fallen and despite
sporadic setbacks, what the CCN has done has proved emminently worthwhile.
Moreover the spectre of pending disaster (whether fantasy or not) is not a
carte blanche excuse for undertaking anything whatsoever under the guise
of staving off catastrophe. In my view, what is more consequential is to
stay faithful to the ideals of 'community computing' for any by the
community. As such, in striving for improvements to our system we should
not be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. ;->

I trust you shall take this into consideration in your deliberations.

All the best,

Christopher Majka

Christopher Majka		                <>
Editor: Culture & Philosophy - Chebucto Community Net, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada.     URL =

"Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love and of thought,
which, in the course of centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved."
						-- Andre Malraux, 1957

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