FW: Apr. 27 Distinguished Speaker Series in Computer Science at Dalhousie

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 15:32:44 -0400
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For those gamers out there :)

>Faculty of Computer Science, DalTech, Dalhousie University
>Distinguished Speaker Series
>Speaker:   Maria Klawe
>           Dean of Science
>           University of British Columbia
>Title:     Research Issues in Designing Educational Computer Games
>Time:      Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 11:35
>Location:  Computer Science, Auditorium Room 127
>           6050 University Ave.
>Cost:      All talks in the distinguished speaker series are free.
>           Refreshments will be served.
>This seminar gives an overview of some of the recent research in the
>E-GEMS (Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science) project, an
>interdisciplinary initiative at UBC. We will discuss a variety of issues
>arising in the design of educational software including user interfaces,
>motivation, and gender differences. Examples will given from mathematical
>computer game prototypes developed by E-GEMS.
>Maria Klawe is currently the Dean of Science at the University of British
>Columbia, having served there as Vice-President of Student and Academic
>Services from 1995 to 1998, and Head of the Department of Computer
>Science from 1988 to 1995. Maria also holds the NSERC-IBM Chair for Women
>in Science and Engineering, one of five regional chairs across Canada.
>Maria's chair is responsible for British Columbia and the Yukon, and
>emphasizes research and programs aimed at increasing the participation of
>women in information technology careers. Prior to joining UBC, Maria
>spent eight years with IBM Research in California, and two years at the
>University of Toronto. She received her Ph.D. (1977) and B.Sc. (1973) in
>Mathematics from the University of Alberta.
>Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of
>mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete
>mathematics, theoretical computer science, and interactive-multimedia for
>mathematics education. She is the founder and director of the E-GEMS
>project, a collaborative project involving computer scientists,
>mathematics educators, teachers, children and professional game
>developers, that does research on the design and use of computer games in
>enhancing mathematics education for grades 4 to 9. E-GEMS has developed
>several innovative and successful prototype games, and has done seminal
>work in identifying important factors in the design of effective
>educational software. E-GEMS research also studies the role of gender in
>technology-based learning environments and has identified significant
>gender differences in how students interact with computers and software.
>This research is now being extended under the auspices of her NSERC-IBM
>Chair to how to attract and retain female students in courses and
>programs related to information technology.
>Maria has also served on many boards and advisory councils, including the
>Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society (chair 95-96), the
>Computing Research Association (vice-chair 93-95), the BC Premier's
>Advisory Council on Science and Technology (93-present), and the ACM
>Council (98-present). Maria was elected as a Fellow of the Association of
>Computing Machinery in 1995, and received the Vancouver YWCA Women of
>Distinction Award in Science and Technology in 1997.
>You can find out about computer science's regular seminar talks at
>http://www.cs.dal.ca/research/seminars.html and the distinguished
>speaker series at http://www.cs.dal.ca/research/seminar_series.html
>If you want e-mail notification of the regular seminars or
>distinguished speakers, contact Mike McAllister (mcallist@cs.dal.ca).

Leo J. Deveau
Executive Director,
Chebucto Community Net,
Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics
Dalhousie University, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada.
A community will evolve only when the people
control their means of communication.
-- Frantz Fanon

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