changes to /cgi-ipbin/ scripts

Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 00:11:08 -0400 (AST)
From: Michael Smith <>
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I've made some changes tonight,

. empty Categories are now allowed (for creating an IP right under /info/)
. ip name, directories, group members and mailing list name are now
sanitized for a limit set of allowable characters. I think I have all the
appropriate ones in there, but let me know if you notice strange
disappearing characters. In particular, the IP name can contain single
quotes, spaces, commas, periods, underscores and dashes, but not double

I've committed these changes to the upcoming CSuite 1.1 release tree so
PLMK if something breaks.

 Michael Smith
 Director of information warfare	Pager: 458-5699
 Chebucto Community Net

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