IP Fees

Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:41:50 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <nextug@is.dal.ca>
To: aa935@chebucto.ns.ca
cc: ccn-board@chebucto.ns.ca, ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Hi all,

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 aa935@chebucto.ns.ca wrote:

> From the IP perspective, an issue that required an immediate, interim
> solution was the question of IP fees. From my research, there was no
> schedule in place, and IPs were charged according to custom, or how
> individuals interpreted the various, and often conflicting information
> sources.

True enough.

> To resolve this question, a motion was placed before the board
> to approve an interim (read - temporary) fee schedule. 

According to the four-volume Modern World English Dictionary, the word
'interim' is defined as = during the intervening time or period.

I take this to mean that this schedule is operative (and thus public
information) until such time as it may be ammended by the Board and that
it is not just a discussion proposal, yes? 

> Conditions attached include assurance that the question will be on the
> boards' agenda until a final schedule is developed.  The interim
> schedule proposed is, in essence, represented by the schedule posted at: 
>         http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aa935/interim.htm

Do you then want to have this information included/linked to the
appropriate IP documents at this stage or not? When I replied to your post
(to ccn-ip and & the ccn-board) I indicated that I would procede to do so
and no one voiced any objection at all. In any event, say the word and it
will be gone. ;->

> Problems, or questions arising out of the interim question can be
> directed to any board member for immediate attention, or for inclusion
> at the next board meeting. 
> --------------
> At the same meeting, a discussion document was tabled for the boards'
> consideration.  This document provided a framework for membership,
> services and fund-raising activities. 
> At the last meeting of the IP committee a question was raised (by the Chair) 
> about the IP registration process - 'Should the IP registration stream be 
> merged with the general membership stream' - IP merge for short.  A thread 
> under that title was started so the members could discuss the issue, and 
> present their ideas and suggestions.
> In all, these three streams are an attempt to resolve some of the afore-
> mentioned issues.

Which is terrific, in my view.

> However, we cannot jump-the-gun and proclaim to the world, fee
> schedules, membership levels, membership policy, etc. before the board
> has approved the. The information provided in the interim fee schedule
> is for the use of the board, IP and other committees and office staff in
> the performance of their duties. 

Indeed. It seems, however, that "use ... in the performance of their
duties ..."  means that we refer people inquiring about these matters to
the information (as indeed we have), ergo that it is thus public, at least
on an 'iterim' (read 'for the time being') basis, yes?



Christopher Majka                               <aa051@chebucto.ns.ca>
Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
URL = http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Home.html

"Often his editorial policy was a nice compromise between blackmail and
begging"                - William Allen White, The Nation, Jun 18, 1938

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