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was the question of IP fees. From my research, there was no schedule in place,
and IPs were charged according to custom, or how individuals interpreted the
various, and often conflicting information sources. To resolve this question, a
motion was placed before the board to approve an interim (read - temporary) fee

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Conditions attached include assurance that the question will be on the boards' 
agenda until a final schedule is developed.  The interim schedule proposed is, 
in essence, represented by the schedule posted at:


The name 'interim.htm' is deliberate.

In a vote, the board approved the interim schedule, and thus it is the only 
approved fee schedule for Information Providers.  Any other derivation is 
unofficial and unauthorized.

Problems, or questions arising out of the interim question can be directed to 
any board member for immediate attention, or for inclusion at the next board 


At the same meeting, a discussion document was tabled for the boards' 
consideration.  This document provided a framework for membership, services and 
fund-raising activities.  

At the last meeting of the IP committee a question was raised (by the Chair) 
about the IP registration process - 'Should the IP registration stream be 
merged with the general membership stream' - IP merge for short.  A thread 
under that title was started so the members could discuss the issue, and 
present their ideas and suggestions.

In all, these three streams are an attempt to resolve some of the afore-
mentioned issues.

However, we cannot jump-the-gun and proclaim to the world,   fee schedules, 
membership levels, membership policy, etc. before the board has approved the. 
The information provided in the interim fee schedule is for the use of the 
board,  IP and other committees and office staff in the performance of their 

In due course, the board will present approved fee schedules, policies, etc.  
for general release.

Doug McCann
Chair, IP Committee

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