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Index of Subjects On Fri, 13 Aug 1999 wrote: > In addition there seems to be a continuing search for statistics that prove > definitively that the 'sky is falling (or has fallen)...' > Actually the search was for statistics -period- and that they show what they show is a reflection of what is happening to CCN. Is the sky falling? Not yet but soon unless the numbers start getting better. At present rates of decline in our new accounts, erosion in the number of existing accounts, and the (apparently contested though no alternate numbers have been posted) IP numbers, my estimate (and I hasten to add that this is *my estimate* based on what numbers I have seen crossing my desk and subject to many variables which are not quantifiable at this time) is that we will be in deep doo within two years, at least insofar as being an Internet Provider. We may be cast in a new role as some sort of knowledge brokering or some kind of government services provider and this may just be the way of things, but I'm not willing to throw in the ISP towel just yet. I *do* think that it is now time for some serious revisions of the way things are done here and that not every long standing assumption around here should survive this process. Did you folks know for example that the new release of Windows 98 does not include HyperTerminal as part of its default install? Here in the office I am now having to walk people through installing *and* setting it up these days to log in to our text based service. I know the popularity of Windows based systems among CCN regulars, but for better or worse that's what the overwhelming majority of our users have and we ignore this at our peril. Text's days are numbered and by this time next year it is quite possible that the text service may be down to a handful of modems. I am not saying we drop the text service (we shouldn't), but I am saying that if we base our future on it as our main pillar we will continue to see our numbers fall. This rate of change is accelerating and said fall will be short and steep, not long and gradual IMHO. Since handling office calls I have heard the questions being asked change in the few short months I have been doing it and I am increasingly having to explain what text access is and why Dial Up Networking won't connect to it. Our clients now know what the internet is and it's Dial Up Networking and Internet Explorer. > My suspicion is that the vision upon which CCN was built has not been completely > communicated to succeeding boards and that (some) current board members may not > understand that vision, or may not know that such vision exists... > If the vision was that we are here to provide internet access and support to individuals and groups who might otherwise not be able to get access to the brave new world of the information superhighway, then I would have to say that that vision has been communicated just fine, thenkew. That this access should be based on the traditional way of doing things and this should not change is, I respectfully submit, a less tenable position. Andrew
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