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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:11:33 -0300 (ADT)
From: Edward Dyer <>
To: "H. David Brown" <>
cc: Information Provider Committee <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hello David,

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, H. David Brown wrote:

>     Thank you for getting back to me.  Yes, I was aware that Chebucto was
> involved in hosting services.  Right now I am happy with Angelfire, mainly
> because I can log on remotely and modify my webpage with onscreen forms.

That is indeed a consideration that we have not dealt with.  I can
see that there is an advantage to that kind of setup.

> One reason I would not like to be hosted by association such as your
> community freenet, is that I could see in the future you senting me
> threatening emails because so-and-so special interest group has complained
> about the material on our webpage... 

CCN has always held a position very similar to the public libraries,
that we hold as extremely important that the organization not
exercise any form of censorship upon the content mounted by our
information providers, (beyond that required by law, and our working
agreement which you can read in our IP section.) That I might
disagree with some of your content (and I will admit that I do,
although I wish that the church where I worship might adopt some of
your views on discipleship) will not influence whether or not we
make a link to your church's pages. 

As a matter of practice, we generally evaluate pages that we link to
with respect to usability on both text and graphics browsers, as
well as relevance to the local community, and in those respects your
site is quite satisfactory.  Unfortunately your server (angelfire)
was down at the time your your request was received, and I didn't
get a chance to evaluate it again before leaving on vacation :)

> as a Bible church we have some rather
> sharp polemics online against groups such as feminists, and religious
> groups which are anti-Christian.  It has been our (daily) experience that
> "tolerance" means that the all ideas are equal but some ideas are more
> equal than others.  Generally, we are used to being excluded from the
> umbrella of tolerance... perhaps you have obverved such a thing
> yourself... here is a classic example: you can have a public corkboard for
> announcements at a University for spiritual/religious groups... everyone
> from the Muslims, to the New Agers, to the United Church will put up their
> posters and all is good... we support such public access to information
> and feel that it is great, actually... all of the liberals on campus will
> walk by the bulletin board and think to themselves "Look at the diversity
> of opinions we have here... what good, righteous, tolerant people we
> are..."  Then our church puts up a poster for a meeting where we will
> present a video on the Bible... our poster is torn down and excluded
> because it "wasn't given permission", would have to be reviewed by 3
> committess that don't meet until October, etc...  this has been our
> experience, anyway...

Even though I disagree with some of your positions, I would rather
resign from my (volunteer) position as Religion Section Editor than
allow that to influence whether to place a link to your site.  I
have had some experience myself with taking unpopular positions, and
I suspect you might be the first to disagree with my position on
certain issues.

Congratulations for the construction of a fine website.  Your link
is in place. It would be appreciated if you could please advise if
the location changes, so that we do not interrupt service through
having a dead link. 

> Cheers, and thankyou for taking the time to review our site...
> Pastor H. David Brown
> Halifax Bible Church

Ed Dyer   (902) H 826-7496  CCN Postmaster
Religion Page Editor, Chebucto Community Network

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