Fwd: Re: ComputerWorld-REPLY

Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:48:34 -0300
From: "Doug McCann" <MCCANND@gov.ns.ca>
To: ccn-board@chebucto.ns.ca, ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
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Here are my 'replies' for inquiries into ComputerWorld column writer.

Doug M

Hi Doug,

Thanks for your interest in writing for ComputerWorld!
Please find (below) a standard form that Peter Wolchak, ComputerWorld
Editor, sends out to interested individuals.

If you do decide to write for ComputerWorld, please inform Peter Wolchak
and his staff that you are a CIPS member. It's a great way to increase
CIPS' profile and a gentle reminder to ComputerWorld that many CIPS =
are also ComputerWorld readers!

If there is anything else I can do for you, or if you would like to submit
a short article for News From National (electronic newsletter), please do
not hesitate to contact me directly by phone: (416)861-CIPS(2477) or=20
by e-mail: mylene@cips.ca.

Have a great 'rest of the week' and a wonderful weekend!!
I hope to hear from you again soon!

Mylene -
Mylene Sayo
Public Relations Coordinator
CIPS National Office


ComputerWorld Canada=C6s readership
Our readers are technology professionals (system managers and
architects, project managers, DBAs, programmers, etc.) who work
in large Canadian companies. They tend to be senior people within
their organizations, and are therefore interested both in straight
technology information and in the management and use of technology.

Column overview
The quality of a column is based on two basic measures: its relevance
to the reader and its readability.
Columns must say something definite -- express an opinion, relate an
informative experience, offer advice, etc. When a reader finishes a
column, he/she should have learned something, been given something
to think about, or either agree or disagree with the opinions expressed.
Columns must also be well written. I am always willing to work with
writers on this, if required.

Length: columns are typically 500 to 600 words, although they can
occasionally be longer if required. If a longer column is required
please talk to me prior to writing.
Fee: we pay $200 per column. Payment will be received within 30 days
of publication.
Submission: please send columns by e-mail, and please paste the
column into the e-mail, rather than sending them as attachments.
Invoices: please submit an invoice with each column. Invoices are a
separate e-mail which includes your name and mailing address, the subject
of the column, and the total ($200).
Frequency: ideally, each columnist will send in a piece once a month,
and will therefore be published once a month. Obviously, publication
frequency varies with the number of columns that come in (if I
suddenly receive 10 all at once, I can=C6t run them all immediately).
Also, if you want to only write three or four a year that=C6s okay.
Placement: most columns run on the Opinions page, but we also run
columns in the other sections of the publication and that may be more
appropriate for a specific piece. We will consult with the writer
before publication if this is the case.
Photos: we need a colour photo (headshot) of each columnist, either
in electronic format (.bmp, .jpg., etc.) or a print.
Column name: for regular columnists we will come up with a column name.
For example, we currently have End-User Support, Above the Law, and
Free for All.
Bios: each column runs with a short biography: name, title and company if
applicable, and an e-mail address.

Peter Wolchak
ComputerWorld Canada
416 290-0240
416 290-0238 fax

At 12:20 PM 6/19/99 -0300, you wrote:
>Could you forward details about the ComputerWorld requirement for =
 I am on the board of directors of the Chebucto Community Network, and
could be a conduit for community network news, projects, and technical =
>Thank you.
>Douglas J. McCann I.S.P.
>Halifax, N.S.

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Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 15:45:08 -0300
To: "Doug McCann" <mccannd@gov.ns.ca>
From: Mylene Sayo <mylene@cips.ca>
Subject: Re: ComputerWorld-REPLY
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Hi Doug,

Thanks for your interest in writing for ComputerWorld!
Please find (below) a standard form that Peter Wolchak, ComputerWorld
Editor, sends out to interested individuals.

If you do decide to write for ComputerWorld, please inform Peter Wolchak
and his staff that you are a CIPS member. It's a great way to increase
CIPS' profile and a gentle reminder to ComputerWorld that many CIPS members
are also ComputerWorld readers!

If there is anything else I can do for you, or if you would like to submit
a short article for News From National (electronic newsletter), please do
not hesitate to contact me directly by phone: (416)861-CIPS(2477) or 
by e-mail: mylene@cips.ca.

Have a great 'rest of the week' and a wonderful weekend!!
I hope to hear from you again soon!

Mylene -
Mylene Sayo
Public Relations Coordinator
CIPS National Office


ComputerWorld Canada’s readership
Our readers are technology professionals (system managers and
architects, project managers, DBAs, programmers, etc.) who work
in large Canadian companies. They tend to be senior people within
their organizations, and are therefore interested both in straight
technology information and in the management and use of technology.

Column overview
The quality of a column is based on two basic measures: its relevance
to the reader and its readability.
Columns must say something definite -- express an opinion, relate an
informative experience, offer advice, etc. When a reader finishes a
column, he/she should have learned something, been given something
to think about, or either agree or disagree with the opinions expressed.
Columns must also be well written. I am always willing to work with
writers on this, if required.

Length: columns are typically 500 to 600 words, although they can
occasionally be longer if required. If a longer column is required
please talk to me prior to writing.
Fee: we pay $200 per column. Payment will be received within 30 days
of publication.
Submission: please send columns by e-mail, and please paste the
column into the e-mail, rather than sending them as attachments.
Invoices: please submit an invoice with each column. Invoices are a
separate e-mail which includes your name and mailing address, the subject
of the column, and the total ($200).
Frequency: ideally, each columnist will send in a piece once a month,
and will therefore be published once a month. Obviously, publication
frequency varies with the number of columns that come in (if I
suddenly receive 10 all at once, I can’t run them all immediately).
Also, if you want to only write three or four a year that’s okay.
Placement: most columns run on the Opinions page, but we also run
columns in the other sections of the publication and that may be more
appropriate for a specific piece. We will consult with the writer
before publication if this is the case.
Photos: we need a colour photo (headshot) of each columnist, either
in electronic format (.bmp, .jpg., etc.) or a print.
Column name: for regular columnists we will come up with a column name.
For example, we currently have End-User Support, Above the Law, and
Free for All.
Bios: each column runs with a short biography: name, title and company if
applicable, and an e-mail address.

Peter Wolchak
ComputerWorld Canada
416 290-0240
416 290-0238 fax

At 12:20 PM 6/19/99 -0300, you wrote:
>Could you forward details about the ComputerWorld requirement for writers.
 I am on the board of directors of the Chebucto Community Network, and
could be a conduit for community network news, projects, and technical info.
>Thank you.
>Douglas J. McCann I.S.P.
>Halifax, N.S.


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