Background texture

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:31:04 -0400 (AST)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
cc: "David L. Potter" <>, David Murdoch <>,,,
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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1) This notion of changing the background texture is a issue/priority of
no one but yourself. In the three years it has been in place I can't
recall anyone prior to this recent discussion even complaining about it
let alone wanting to change it.

2) If you want to initiate a process to re-examine it, go ahead. 

3) In my earlier EMail to you I outlined why the original selection of a
background texture was a somewhat involved process. For the benefit of
others that you have roped into this discussion:

> When the current background pattern was established we did extensive
> 'beta-testing'. We probably tried a half dozen or more different patterns
> and had a dozen or more people view the results on more than a couple
> of dozen monitors of various kinds, monochrome vs. colour, different
> screen resolutions, etc.

> We rapidly discovered that the appearance of a background could be
> *highly* variable from monitor to monitor. Some which looked great 
> on one system looked dreadful on another. No one pattern is perfect for
> all.

Many people collaborated and the process was a perfect illustration of why
a team approach works.

4) If you want to re-visit the issue then, as I suggested, send your
proposals to ccn-ip, ccn-tech & ccn-comm (and later ccn-ipe & all-ips) and
see how people respond. So far I haven't heard anyone else who even feels
that the background texture needs replacing, let alone is interested in
adopting your approach.

5) On a technical level I pointed out that changing a background GIF would
be a simple thing to do (replace one file) whereas your suggestion of
using a browser-generated background would be a very complicated thing to
implement (re-coding hundreds if not thousands of pages). Also a 3K file
loads so quickly that loading-speed is not an issue. 

However, if you feel its worthwhile, make your case to the above people.
See how they respond. Try and convince them. All power to you.

[To make it perfectly clear: personally I have no particular interest in
paper.gif one way or the other. If a concensus of people wanted a change
and came up with a better alternative, great.]

6) On a policy/operations level, such changes which would affect the
overall appearance of thousands of documents need be done in such a way as
to consult with and listen to people affected. This is particularly the
case in relation to the background texture, which is also used by some CCN
Information Providers, so that changes to it will effect them as well

What I do believe in and stand firm on is the team approach and consensus
decision-making. Not arbitrary time lines; criteria of  eligibility to
participate, etc. 

What you fail to appreciate is that 'process' is a very important element
of what a community network is all about. Giving people a chance to
participate, listening to others, making your case in a group forum,
modifying proposals to take into account the legitimate concerns of
others, etc. not only tap into the collective experience and wisdom of
others, they *build community* by educating and involving people in a
process of collectively working with others. This process is how people
learn such things. This process builds working relationships. This
'process' is every bit as important on the CCN as the 'product'.


Christopher Majka

Christopher Majka                               <>
Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

"We have ... in this country ... far too many captive editors who cannot 
even be heard to rattle their chains."              -- Carl E. Lindstrom

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