IP's and PPP (fwd)

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 09:13:01 -0300 (ADT)
From: Peter Mortimer <ag500@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
cc: Peter Morgan <ae112@chebucto.ns.ca>, Jack Uthe <jackuthe@supercity.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Hello folks, I think the following message is self explanatory.  I'd like 
to set up an IP committee meeting to discuss the options.  I'm out of 
town most of this week and next so my time is limited.  How's Thursday the 
27th @ 5:30 for a meeting time.  Mark, can the room at Pearson Library be 
booked if the time works out for people?

Jack, I've cc'd you in on this email with the hope that you would be 
able to attend as well.

   Peter Mortimer 
   Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Forwarded message from Peter Morgan:  comments in [brackets] were added 
by Peter Mortimer...

At a recent Board meeting we discussed the need to sort out what to do with
the apparently now available PPP access.

It was proposed that the IP committee in consultation with the IP's develop
their own policies/guidelines (don't get bogged with policies if guidelines
are easier to develop). We want to have a proposal to respond to by the
next Board meeting -- Sept 2

[One of the first things I'd like to decide is "how much consultation 
should we conduct?" - pm]

Doug offered to produce the cost estimate for the upgrade. Ballpark it is
probably about $4000. Ie we want to put something in place that is cost

What is needed is simply a) a pricing plan for IP's (similar to
memberships) and b) a quota system (that tech can then implement). 

I suggest the following:

A. Develop 4 packages
- basic IP (available free but with a suggested minimum donation of $100)
includes Chebucto sub directory with a limit of 25mb space (to be enforced
"sometime in the future", training and support, 1 email address and 2
mailing lists

[A quick look at some of our IP's web pages shows that the 25mb limit 
will impact a significant number of our IPs.  If we decide to head in 
this direction I think its important that we develop strategies to deal 
with potential reactions *before* we publicize this change in policy - pm]

- Virtual Domain, above but with own name (org.ns.ca or org.com) for $400

- Network Package, above with 20 email addresses and 4 mailing lists for
$1000. Org takes responsibility for email usage (ie do not have to sign
individual user agreements)

Now here is the kicker. I propose we set up a separate phone number for the
PPP access and we provide unlimited access to IP's. Commercial grade access
would offer a modem ration of 10-20 users/modem. To provide all IP's with
unlimited access would require 10 modems and lines. We currently have this
capability. Maybe the unlimited times out if there is inactivity after 20
minutes and drops the connection every 6 hours so someone is not always
using a line)

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