A SPAM filter result?

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 11:21:00 -0400 (AST)
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Christopher Majka <nextug@is.dal.ca>
cc: Mark Ronald Rushton <Mark@chebucto.ns.ca>, ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Le Mer, 1 Avr 1998, Christopher Majka écrivait :

> Hi Mark,
> On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Mark Ronald Rushton wrote:
> > Am I to assume the message below came from a new SPAM filter feature with 
> > MajorDomo?  Great!

Progress is being made on the majordomo front.  A few people are
testing the restricted (member-only) and moderated features, in
which - 

for restricted, all mail not from list members goes to the
list-owner for approval, -

for moderated, all mail goes to the list-owner for approval. 

More on this shortly.  We are also working on a spam pre-filter
which would push all messages caught by the filter to the list-owner
for approval, where, as above, you will have the opportunity to
keep junk off the list. 

The plan is that all mailing lists that have archives, and others as
needed (... need input pros and cons) would be subject to at least
the restricted and spam filter options, but the list owner will have
to be prepared / trained / on-line frequently, to deal with this :)

> I'm not entierly sure what is happening here. It looks like you sent out
> an EMail under the nscuba@chebucto.ns.ca address which went to (amongst
> others) aj670@chebucto.ns.ca (whose CCN membership has expired) and
> Arciris Garay <af169@chebucto.ns.ca>. Why it bounced to the latter address
> I dont know.

As you say, the first could not be accessed, because we have finally
begun removing accounts that have expired after a couple of months
grace period.

These "doesn't exists" entries will have to be removed by the
list-owner's over-ride, as they occur.  

The second is a new message that has resulted from the recipient's
mail quota having expired.

> Perhaps Ed or David P. will have more insight.

Please report new messages that we get, for inclusion in a
list-owner's guide (revision...  we need someone to write it up...) 
I suspect that most are due to the new mail configuration, but some
may also be due to version changes in the mail software.

Ed Dyer aa146@chebucto.ns.ca   (902) H 826-7496  CCN  Assistant Postmaster
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aa146/    W 426-4894  CSuite Technical Workshop
Religion Page Editor, Chebucto Community Network http://www.chebucto.ns.ca
			IP <-> Tech Liaison

> Chris
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 22:04:37 -0400
> > From: The Post Office <postmaster@.MISSING-HOST-NAME.>
> > To: nscuba-owner@chebucto.ns.ca
> > Subject: Delivery reports about your email
> > 
> > This is a collection of reports about email delivery
> > process concerning a message you originated:
> > 
> > <local aj670@chebucto.ns.ca aj670@chebucto.ns.ca 60001>: user "aj670" doesn't exist
> > <local af169@chebucto.ns.ca af169@chebucto.ns.ca 60001>: ....\
> > 	expired after 3 days, problem was:
> > 	header write to "/var/mail/af169" failed
> > 

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