dial up first page (fwd)

Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 08:44:31 -0400 (AST)
From: Peter Mortimer <ag500@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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I'll follow up the volunteer discussion with Charlie and Joyline.  With 
respect to the dial up page, here's the information...

   Peter Mortimer 
   Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Peter Mortimer wrote:

> David, It's unfortunate that we didn't give you enough time at the last 
> IP Committee meeting to talk about the dial up page (is that the right 
> term?).  As I understand it... one of the key features will be some way 
> to highlight an IP.  Can you tell me more about this?  What are the 
> mecjanics behind it, who will be able to do what?
>    ----
>    Peter Mortimer 
>    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The basic structure is that when a dial-in user logs into the system we
create a custom/semi-custom first page. This  _is not_ the CCN
homepage. With the user first page (code name x-welcome) we're trying to
present the most valuable information possible in the (limited) screen
space available. In general, this includes...

1) information specifically tailored to each users level of experience
...as determined by the users Lynx settings (which can be changed by each

2) information that the organization wants to communicate to individual
users or groups of users.

Just to be clear on the kind of feedback I would like... I should point
out that I've spent a considerable effort to provide balance between
the abundance of valuable information and the limited amount of 'screen
space'. Each of the items selected for display has undergone considerable
scrutiny including consultations with   (userhelp) and Clive 

After the beta-testing is completed I'll review user comments
(especially CCN support team comments) relating to page layout and
information content.

I _am_ interested at any time in thoughts on how frequently board,
membership, volunteer, and IP messages should be repeated (in optimum

Back to the explaination...

With respect to the first information set... in broad strokes

NOVICE Users: will have links to basic services (mail, files, news, etc.)
as part of their first page.

IMTERMEDIATE Users: Almost the same as NOVICE with an additional
link to assist them in editing their personal Profile/homepage.

ADVANCED Users: are able to customize their own page.

IN ALL INSTANCES... a 'Tip from Userhelp' appropriate for their level of
experience (including how to change their user settings) is presented.

A principal goal is to make the basic functionality of CSuite/CCN more
(very) obvious to new (NOVICE) users. This is achieved by including links
that correspond to the most valuable shortcuts. It is anticipated that

+ will allow a new user to become familiar with the CCN services
  much quicker,

+ will reduce user frustration and increase user satisfaction
  (and thus aid in the 'retention' of users), and 

+ will reduce to some extent support demands.  

With respect to the second information set (organization messages)...

Rotating organization messages (if available)... are presented for each
login session. The priority is set as follows; 1,2,3,... HIGHEST to LOWEST

1) Messages from the Board (repeated as appropriate)
2) Membership Messages - pleas (to non-members) and reminders (to
3) Volunteer Messages (only to 'registered' volunteers - meetings and
   thank-you's... )
4) IP Committee (Featured IP) with stats... how many users have
   been presented with this information. (See below for additional
   IP info)

It is IMPORTANT to note that this 'first' page would 


this functionality is part of the login process and the page is unique to
each user... you should also note that each first page has a link to the
CCN homepage...


                                  "David L. Potter" <ab934@chebucto.ns.ca>

                         Welcome to Chebucto Community Net !

   Here is an [1]important message from Chebucto Community Net Society.

          You have new mail. Select [2]View INBOX - g)o mail

          [3]Here's a Tip from Userhelp
          [4]Recent and planned changes at CCN!
          [5]Check Your Disk Quota - g)o quota
          [6]CCN Shortcut Commands! - g)o ?
          [7]Here is your file storage area - g)o files
          [8]Online Documents, the Helpdesk - g)o help
          [9]Go to Chebucto Community Net Home Page - 'h'
          [10]Search Tools - g)o search -or- g)o people -or- g)o web


             Follow this link to [11]contact CCN volunteers or staff.
Commands: Use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit, '<-' to go back.
Arrow keys: Up and Down to move. Right to follow a link; Left to go back.
O)ther cmds  G)o to  P)rint  B)ack  H)ome page  C)omment  ^L=refresh Q)uit

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END NOVICE PAGE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                                  "David L. Potter" <ab934@chebucto.ns.ca>

                         Welcome to Chebucto Community Net !

   Here is an [1]important message from Chebucto Community Net Society.

          You have new mail. Select [2]View INBOX - g)o mail

          [3]Here's a Tip from Userhelp
          [4]Recent and planned changes at CCN!
          [5]Check Your Disk Quota - g)o quota
          [6]Online Documents, the Helpdesk - g)o help
          [7]Go to Chebucto Community Net Home Page - 'h'
              Follow this link to [8]contact CCN volunteers or staff.


                           You can customize this page!              


Specific IP Committee items.

The current setup is designed so that... the ip committee can create a
file in a specified location.... such as info/messages/ip/ 

...containing a url... 

<a href="http://chebucto.ns.ca/Technical/HAPCS/index.html">Hfx Personal
Computer Club</a>

<!-- this same mechanism could also be used for a graphic homepage for an
'enhanced' CCN website...-->

If there are no board, membership, or volunteer messages that have a
higher priority ...the welcome script looks for a file in this directory
and grabs this snippet of code to add into the users welcome page.

I designed the program to present an IP 2 or 3 times in a week... mileage
varies because in any week the board might issue a couple of messages that
would take priority... Although there is nothing to stop the IP committee
from 'Featuring' an IP for more than a week or to have it tied to a
certain number of hits, etc...

We will count each time an IP is presented to a user, and at the end of
the period we can report to the IP how many users were presented with this

david potter

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