Update: 25 March 2007
Chebucto Community Net filters out spam (unsolicited commercial email) and
viruses from incoming email. By default mail filtered as spam will be
directed to a folder called JUNKMAIL. Mail in this JUNKMAIL folder will be
deleted automatically after 30 days.
This filtering can be turned off and on by you using the form below.
Missing mail: If you do not receive email you are expecting, check
for the missing email in your JUNKMAIL folder in case it has been filtered
by error. You can access the JUNKMAIL folder using Chebucto Webmail
and through Chebucto's text service using PINE. More information here.
Chebucto Community Net's automatic spam filtering will not work for
mailboxes set to forward to other internet service providers, however mail
will still be tagged and spam will have the line:
X-Is-Spam: Yes
the full message headers so you or your other internet service provider
could set up a mail filter of your own to catch these messages.
- Put in your Chebucto login and mailbox password
- Select a spam filtering option
- Then hit Set Mail Filter Preference at the bottom of the
Your information is sent over a secure encrypted connection.
It may take up to an hour for changes to take effect.