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OS/2 Compression & Conversion Software

PKZip.exe v2.04
This executable file will create several packing and unpacking utilities (PKZip and PKUnZip among others) to be used to unzip files on CCN. Can create self-extracting files.
ZipMe v1.21
A 32-bit multithreaded zip shell for the Presentation Mananger. Works with OS/2 2.x or OS/2 Warp V3. Used on archives of the INFO-Zip versions Zip.exe V2.0 and UnZip.exe V5.1. Has Drag and Drop function. Use PKUnZip to expand. ZipMe is Postcard-Ware!
Info-ZIP's UnZip v5.12 for OS/2 2.x+
The decompressor handles EA's. Contains documentation and executables for 16-bit UnZipSFX, 32-bit UnZip and 32-bit fUnZip (for use with pipes). This is freeware (copyright retained). See COPYING for details of distribution. This is a self-extracting utility.
MPack (for OS/2)
A decoding utility for handling MIME and Base64 encoding. Use an unpacking program to expand. Read the README file enclosed in the package.