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Apple II Compression & Conversion Software

BinSCII (by Todd Whitesel)

A Basic program that allows downloaders to decode ASCII binary files downloaded from CCN. Read the text file first to learn how to 'EXEC' this program. For use on all Apple II's.

ShrinkIt II

An archiving utility needed to expand and compress files downloaded from CCN. Similar to PKZIP for DOS. Will not work on GS files. Runs under ProDOS 8. For use with all Apple II's. Use BinSCII to decode. Read the provided text file to learn how to use this program.

Apple DES v1.1

A (D)ata (E)ncryption (S)tandard coding program for security when transferring programs and text on CCN and the Internet. On-line documentation. Use 'BinSCII' to decode. Use 'ShrinkIt' to expand. For use on all Apple II's under ProDOS 8.

X-Trax II

A program that makes self-extracting files for use on CCN and the Internet. Use 'BinSCII' to decode. May require 'ShrinkIt' to expand. For use on all Apple II's.

Pro ARC v1.0

A compression utility allowing users to squeeze larger programs onto smaller disk spaces. Read the text file for instructions. Use 'BinSCII' to decode. May require 'ShrinkIt' to expand. Runs on all Apple's under ProDOS 8.

CiderPress v3.0.1 (by Andy McFadden) (PC/Windows free/Open Source)

A PC/Windows application to allow the access of many Apple II file formats by a user with a PC. Download version 3.0.1 below or the latest version directly from Faddensoft.

DiskMaker 8 v1.1 by Mark Percival - Shareware $5.USD)

An Apple II utility for converting software on disk images back to physical media. Features quick formatting of 5.25" disks, booting new disk (if created in drive 1), full support for DOS 3.3 volume numbers, GSOS File Manager-like user interface allowing easy navigation through volumes/directories, optional Apple mouse support, multiple image format conversion capability including: DOS Order (.dsk), ProDOS Order (.po/hdv), Universal Disk Image (.2mg) and DiskCopy v4.2/v6.

DM8 also supports AppleShare volumes for retrieving image files, fully supports Disk ][ and SmartPort block devices for writing images, automatically tells you which devices attached to your system matches the size of the disk image you selected, ability to override the size matching destination feature allowing you to use mismatching volume sizes such as slot based RAM disks, automatically formats the destination disk if required. Requires a 128K Enhanced Apple IIc/e/c+/GS. Runs under ProDOS 8 v 1.9 or later and needs, at least, two ProDOS 8 compatible storage devices for source and target. The source needs to be large enough to contain the disk image for target. Program is available is 3 downloadable versions:

ProTYPE v1.1 (Macintosh) by Dirk Froehling

A Macintosh application that allows users to create Apple II files with the proper filetype. ProTYPE converts files you drag & drop on it to make them more useable with Apple II computers. It will strip resource forks from text files, type the files correctly and convert Binscii files. It will also preserve file/aux types of all kinds of files inside a Binscii wrapper. It is scriptable (understands AppleEvents) and can be used as a helper application for Internet programs so you can tell Netscape or Anarchie to postprocess all .bsq files with ProTYPE, for example. Author has classified it as GSWare-ware meaning pay the shareware fees on a GS product you're using and this product is free. Use a Mac unstuffing program to create the executable.