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Verified and Updated: May 2007

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Burke-Gaffney Observatory 
An astronomical observatory at St. Mary's University. 

Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing 
Assists local agencies to utilize remote sensing through their Technology Enhancement Program. 

Defence Research Establishment Atlantic 
A federal government lab (formerly the Naval Research Establishment), with a long history in our community. DREA is part of the Department of National Defence, with main building in Dartmouth and a small detachment in the Halifax Dockyard. 

Discovery Centre 
At Discovery Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, people discover new things about science and the world around them. 

Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic) 
Is at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography and is a good local resource for geoscience information. 

Geological Survey of Canada 
Terrain Sciences Division 

Institute for Marine Biosciences, Halifax 
Information is presented on the laboratory and its programs, as well as links to other labs at the National Research Council. 

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Halifax Chapter 
Includes information about the society, information about events and meetings, and links useful to amateur astronomers. 

Saint Mary's University Astronomy and Physics 
Not only provides their own information, but also has collected a number of worldwide resources. 

Scientists and innovators in the Schools 
Scientists and innovators in the Schools is a non-profit society dedicated to the promotion and awareness of science and technology in Nova Scotia's schools. 

STANet: Science and Technology Awareness Network 
A network of organizations, government departments, educators and individuals working together to promote awareness of science and technology developments and programs in Nova Scotia. 


Natural Resources Canada 


Chlorine Chemistry Council 
The authoritative, on-line resource for information on the science of chlorine chemistry and its contributions to products and processes that enhance our quality of life and standard of living. The site features science, economics, news, public policy, environmental protection, and a valuable documents library. 

National Academy of Sciences Press 
Over 1,000 books on-line free for the reading. They are located in the "Reading Room" section of the site. 

News on the International Space Station, Space Shuttle flights and much more! 

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review 
An electronic journal that offers a wide range of articles in the area of science and technology that are written for folks who are interested in science but who may or may not be scientists. 

Science Notes 


Usenet Groups: Astronomy 
Usenet Groups: Biology
sci.* heirarchy 
Usenet Groups: Biology
bionet.* heirarchy 
Usenet Groups: Chemistry 
Usenet Groups: Geology 
Usenet Groups: Mathematics 
Usenet Groups: Medicine 
Usenet Groups: Physics