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Power boats on shallow lakes

Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)

July 26, 2006      Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH) Master Homepage


Img-pin.gif  Power boats on shallow lakes with a maximum depth of 30 ft

Img-Blue_Arrow11F3.gif  Fish Lake, Oakfield: Lake's neighbours say no to motorboats; Bedford-Sackville News, September 30, 1992

Power boats on shallow lakes with a maximum depth of 30 ft

The following is probably the best peer reviewed article we have seen re possible impact of power boats on shallow lakes.

But we caution that for lakes where there is a concern on this issue, a careful analyses has to be conducted by a professional limnologist/lake manager before one can be confident that the cumulative action of powerboats on a particular lake may indeed be exasperating the inlake water quality.

Wright, D.O., and Wagner, K.J. 1991. Power boats on shallow lakes: A brief summary of literature and experience on Lake Mohegan (NY). Lake Line, North Am. Lake. Manage. Soc. (11)4:8-12.


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