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Formal submission to the RP+5 initiative of the HRM

Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)

May 16, 2012           Submissions to HRM's Regional Planning process

Reference: RP+5_Submission2012april17 (revised); Note: Even with the upgrading of this submission as needed in order to expand the scientific component in limnology, environmental microbiology, and related specialties, the 15 prime recommendations never changed. In addition, they are very similar to those that we made to the Regional Plan during years, 2004 to 2006, and to the SEMO, HRM in May, 2011.


(Note: We are providing several web links as underlined words rather than our usual practice of a subtle change in colour when one hovers the mouse over them. In this manner, the web links are clearly visible to be clicked upon.)
  1. Introduction (see also Section-L)

  2. Our fifteen (15) prime recommendations which fall under the domain of sound Governance and science-based watershed management:-

    1. Set up a Lakes Authority at HRM staffed with two (2) qualified, preferably `applied limnologists’.

    2. HRM’s paid consultant studies:- Provide the names of all the authors, their formal qualifications, credentials, and any independent international citations they received as `appendices’ in the studies.

    3. Impart top priority to scientific monitoring and related studies. Should be carried out by eminently qualified Government officials (inhouse if possible) and/or in partnership with leading scientists in the relevant disciplines as follows:-
      1. Biological monitoring and comprehensive sampling.
      2. Scientific definition of trophic status. Government officials and their consultants may be making significant errors.
      3. Paleolimnology has been ignored in HRM to date. Hence, several erroneous conclusions may have emanated from HRM and/or from its consultants.

    4. Lake water sampling and the futility in tracking the incremental impacts of new developments, especially in shallow and/or coloured lakes which could be macrophyte driven.

    5. The CCME's (2004) policy on cultural eutrophication should be strictly adopted by HRM as a regulatory tool.
      1. HRM’s major shortcomings w.r.t the threshold TP values of Lakes Russell, Morris, Kearney, and Papermill.

    6. Carry out DNA fingerprinting before making public statements on the fecal sources. HRM and Halifax Water have been making unscientific comments on fecal sources without carrying out scientific DNA analyses.

    7. Mandate total stormwater treatment systems capable of removing the myriad of post-development stressors, not silt/soils and phosphorus alone, in new major developments. Such systems also need regular maintenance as needed to be effective:
      1. Some examples of the post-development stressors/pollutants as well as treatment efficiencies of typical in-situ systems are included in Section-F.

    8. Buffer Strips, sound technical sizing, and protection in perpetuity; and do not allow walkways to be constructed within such buffers (see also Section-G).

    9. Septic systems: abandon the negative impressions. But in new developments, aim for greater setbacks (than required by provincial guidelines) from lakes to prevent nutrient enrichment over multi–decadal time scales (see Section-H for further details).

    10. Advanced assessments by qualified limnologists have to be carried out on sewage treatment plants (STPs) prior to their construction and/or to establish the need for upgrading.

    11. Shallow Lakes: Kindly take into account that the limnology of shallow lakes can be quite different from deep lakes. Most standards and other aspects are based on research on deep lakes.

    12. Investigate the endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the effluents of sewage treatment plants (STPs) discharging into lakes and rivers.

    13. Enforce the Halifax County’s Topsoil Removal Bylaw of allowing a maximum 50 mg/l of suspended solids in any grab sample at the outlets of all new developments which should include even residential developments.

    14. Enact a Lawn Fertilizer Bylaw restricting use of phosphorus containing fertilizers similar or superior to the City of Minneapolis as extensively noted by the UNEP’s committees.

    15. Implement `Indicator thresholds for anthropogenic stressors of freshwater lakes in Nova Scotia’ as one of the tools for assessing lake water quality.

  3. Chemical vs Biological monitoring in limnology and comprehensive sampling.

  4. Scientific definition of trophic status and Government officials and their consultants may be making significant errors.

  5. The importance of paleolimnology.

  6. Stressors and treatment efficiencies.

  7. Buffer Strips:
    1. Canada's interim narrative on regression analysis between stream buffer widths and average TN and TP concentrations.

  8. Monitoring of the effluent plume from an onsite sewage disposal system.

  9. A lead example of the methodology to assess the downstream impacts of a proposed STP.

  10. Shallow Lakes.

  11. Sandy Lake model with field data (4th vers.).

  12. Additional info on us.

A. Introduction (see also Section–L)

There are fifteen (15) focused recommendations enunciated in Section–B for the HRM to implement without any further delay. Sections C-to-L inclusive provide basic scientific rationale. We provide web links primarily to our web sites.

We sincerely apologize for any omissions or typos/grammar in this submission although it has been peer reviewed over time. To a degree, this submission is being made on an informal basis though the `science' cited here has been extensively published.

This submission is quite similar to previous submissions that we had made to various initiatives of not only the HRM but also of its former municipal units. Kindly access our related website, Submissions relating to Applied Limnology vis-a-vis land planning/development, and Submissions to HRM's Regional Planning process.

We are an independent scientific society specializing in the biotic integrity and biodiversity of freshwaters and parts of the marine ecosystems with emphasis on phytoplankton, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, chironomid mentum deformities, and predictive modelling utilizing a range of published models and parameters (not phosphorus alone) worldwide. We are getting involved in paleolimnology as well, albeit at a lower pace.

Among our scientific directors, we count some of the leading worldwide scientists primarily in the domain of formal limnology, environmental microbiology, paleolimnology, and to some degree, sanitary engineering.

Among our 400 associates worldwide, 200 are domiciled across Nova Scotia, majority of the latter being across HRM in diverse communities. We do have professionals from other disciplines as well.

B. Our fifteen (15) prime recommendations which fall under the domain of sound Governance and science-based watershed management:

  1. Set up a Lakes Authority at HRM staffed with two (2) qualified, preferably `applied limnologists’:

    Such an `authority’ should be mandated to restore lakes on a pragmatic level following consultations with all stakeholders, and not just with political appointees.

    Examples of recent failures were the severe impacts on Sandy Lake, Hammonds Plains in the Glen Arbour area of the Sackville River watershed, and at Russell Lake, Dartmouth of the Cow Bay River watershed.

    While the subsequent pelagic sampling of Sandy Lake shows the TP values may have returned to lower levels, nonetheless, there may be signs of some impacts to the ecosystem of the lake (see Section-K).

    Of lately, increased nuisance algal blooms, on occasions, have been observed at some lakes, mostly in the urban/serviced areas. Strangely enough, we have not observed these in rural lakes so far. This is based on the lakes that we studied the phycology of to date.

    Not all cases have been `bad news stories’ though. Among numerous cases are the following:

    We have observed considerable improvement in some lakes and cases like McGrath Lake in Terence Bay of the Terence Bay River watershed are a prime example of success stories.

    At Maynard Lake, Dartmouth, as a result of multi-year community action, considerable reduction in bacteriological impacts has been noted. The biodiversity and the biotic integrity of the zoobenthos have been very encouraging based upon international protocols.

  2. HRM’s paid consultant studies:- Provide the names of all the authors, their formal qualifications, credentials, and any independent international citations they received as `appendices’ in the studies:

    All studies should be placed on HRM’s website without any delays.

    It is further necessary to insist on studies by authentic limnologists, whether theoretical and/or applied, where the issues being addressed have a direct relevance to freshwater quality, i.e., lakes, ponds, rivers. Overall, this is not a formal specialty of the traditional engineering and planning domains.

  3. Impart top priority to scientific monitoring and related studies. Should be carried out by eminently qualified Government officials (in-house if possible) and/or in partnership with leading scientists in the relevant disciplines as follows:

    1. Biological monitoring and comprehensive sampling (see Section-C).
    2. Scientific definition of trophic status. Government officials and their consultants may be making significant errors (see Section-D).
    3. Paleolimnology has been ignored in HRM to date. Hence, several erroneous conclusions may have emanated from HRM and/or from its consultants (see Section-E).

      By ignoring the all important biological limnology, the majority of studies carried out to date for the HRM as well as for its former municipal units may have failed to accurately describe the symptoms and prevent the problems.

      Important: Further, HRM has failed to take into account the `biological availability’ of different species of phosphorus.

  4. Lake water sampling and the futility in tracking the incremental impacts of new developments, especially in shallow and/or coloured lakes which could be macrophyte driven (also see Section-J).

    Further, to reliably ascertain incremental inputs from new developments, outflows of major storm pipe outlets, in-situ devices (e.g., CDS, Stormceptor, Vortechnics), constructed wetland outlets, have to be monitored regularly, and pollutographs have to be developed.

    Neither HRM nor its consultants have ever carried out this necessary sampling as far as we can fathom. We apologize if we are in error. We respectfully request that HRM make those results available to the public via its web sites without any red tape.

  5. The CCME's (2004) policy on cultural eutrophication should be strictly adopted by HRM as a regulatory tool (also see Section-D)

    This policy is nothing new since the relevant science in it has been known from as far back as the 1980’s to scientists who are `current’ in research.

    As the year-2004 CCME Policy on Phosphorus (TP) clearly narrates that, not adhering to the reference/background (i.e., the pre-cultural value) + 50% maximum increase concept, even if they fall within the reference trigger ranges, could result in significant changes to the `community structure'.

    1. HRM’s major shortcomings w.r.t the threshold TP values of Lakes Russell, Morris, Kearney, and Papermill:-

      The HRM had made significant errors in assigning high threshold TP values of 15 µg/l for Russell and Morris Lakes, and 10 µg/l for Kearney and Papermill Lakes. HRM’s deductions were out of line with the scientific thought even then. HRM does not appear to have ascertained the pre-cultural concentrations based on either predictive models and/or on paleolimnological inference models.

    Further, HRM has failed to take into account the `biological availability’ of different species of phosphorus.

    The Province of Quebec has a formal policy in line with what we stated.

    The Province of Ontario has been planning to adopt same but has been delayed.

    Hence, there are precedents in Canada. Incidentally, the CCME as well as the Quebec standards are the direct application of the Ontario research headed by Prof. Dr. Peter J. Dillon who is also a Scientific Director of our group.

    The Swedish Government endorses a maximum of twice the background levels of phosphorus and nitrogen as a national target.

    Select References:

    • Holdren, C., Jones, W., and Taggart, J. 2001. Managing Lakes and Reservoirs. N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc. and Terrene Inst., in coop. with Off. Water Assess. Watershed Prot. Div. U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Madison, WI. xiv, 382 pp.
    • Scott, R., Hart, W., Mandaville, S., and Lowe, J. 2003. Selection of a Phosphorus Loading Model for Nova Scotia, Phase I. For: Nova Scotia Water Quality Objective and Model Development Steering Committee and Nova Scotia Dept. of Environment and Labour. 85p.
    • Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax: Lake Carrying Capacities
    • Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax: TP/Cha Predictive Models
    • The Province of Quebec: Phosphorus standards

  6. Carry out DNA fingerprinting before making public statements on the fecal sources:

    Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) is a state-of-the-art methodology that is being used in advanced jurisdictions to determine the sources of fecal bacteria in environmental samples (e.g. from human, livestock, or wildlife origins). BST methodology has been described as having the ability to turn nonpoint sources into point sources. BST is also called Microbiological Source Tracking (MST), fecal source tracking, or fecal typing.

    Fecal contamination of aquatic environments afflicts many regions and may carry risks to human health. For example, human fecal pollution may spread dangerous bacterial and viral pathogens, such as hepatitis, while other human pathogens such as Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, Salmonella spp., and E. coli O157:H7 are associated with animal fecal pollution.

    Further, contamination of coastal and inland waters by fecal bacteria results in beach closures that suspend recreation and strike a blow to the economies of beach communities.

    Often the source of fecal contamination in water cannot be determined. For example, non-point sources such as failing septic systems, overloads at sewage treatment facilities, overflows from sanitary sewage pumping stations, or flows from sewage pipe breaks may all be candidates. In addition, the contribution of bacterial pollution "stored" in sediments and re-suspended during storm events is unknown. In order to adequately assess human health risks and develop watershed management plans, it is necessary to know the sources of fecal contamination.

    See our web page for more info. Also read the following synopses carried out for the EMS Department:

      Mandaville, S.M. 2002. Bacterial Source Tracking (BST)- A Review. Project H-2, Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax. X, 46p., Appendices A to T.

  7. Mandate total stormwater treatment systems capable of removing the myriad of post-development stressors, not silt/soils and phosphorus alone, in new major developments. Such systems also need regular maintenance as needed to be effective:

    Access our web page on stormwater treatment systems.

    1. Some examples of the post-development stressors/pollutants as well as treatment efficiencies of typical in-situ systems are included in Section-F.

    An example of a treatment system is depicted below although it is not guaranteed to remove all incremental stressors in perpetuity. Costs have to be borne by a proponent and/or shared by levels of Government. The origin is a handbook of Monash University, Australia:

    In an extreme case, HRM has to insist on the installation of lakeshore interceptors of all storm discharges and treat them in a modified sewage treatment plant prior to discharge into any freshwater courses. Costs may have to be borne by the prime beneficiaries, i.e., the proponents of any incremental developments. A basic example of such a treatment is:-

  8. Buffer Strips, sound technical sizing, and protection in perpetuity; and do not allow walkways to be constructed within such buffers (see Section-G).

    Buffer strips do not remove any appreciable amount of pollutants entering lakes via stormwater discharges. But they could be of some value only if they are maintained in their natural state in perpetuity.

    We request that HRM enact a bylaw where walkways are wholly banned in buffer strips even if the local community supports such walkways. Pollution does not discriminate between developers and the general public.

    The sizing of buffers has to be based on technical factors which have to include at the least, slope of the land, K (soil erodibility index), and RCN (Runoff Curve Number). The USDA had developed a regression analysis based on these parameters. We have not tested the efficacy in Nova Scotia yet (see Section-G for details).

    The Regional Plan’s emulation of the standards of the NS Dept. of Natural Resources of 20 metres is not based on science and is only a generality.

    Alternately, follow the precautionary approach as recommended in research by Environment Canada, and legislate a minimum buffer of one hundred (100) metres around lakes and rivers, where possible, for the long term protection (Section-Gi).

    A `buffer’ also implies that no walkways be built on them either.

  9. Septic systems: abandon the negative impressions. But in new developments, aim for greater setbacks (than required by provincial guidelines) from lakes to prevent nutrient enrichment over multi-decadal time scales (see Section-H)

    The past and many of the present problematic systems may have been in areas served with what are known as “area beds”.

    Since around the late-1980s in Nova Scotia, the “CONTOUR SYSTEMS” have become the norm in most cases areas where there is a slope to the land.

    The contour systems basically involve `lateral spread of the effluent plume’ and utilize the reduction capacity of the whole downstream site as opposed to the old `area beds’ which utilized only the area immediately underneath the bed.

    Engineering scientist, David Pask MEng PEng was the inventor/developer of contour systems at TUNS in 1983. His primary supervisor was the now retired Prof. Dan Thirumurthy PhD PEng, and there were several other professors with varied expertise who also assisted David. David is also an associate of our group.

    Several studies conducted for the HRM and for the former Halifax County as well as for the Province may have made unscientific assumptions wherein they assumed 50% export of phosphorus from septic beds to the nearest watercourse. There has never been any research conducted to support this.

    Incidentally, our own former predictive models also made the same assumption. We are modifying the models as we find time.

    The sampling methodology utilizing piezometers and lysimeters has to be undertaken at statistically valid number of onsite systems for monitoring of the effluent plumes before one can establish failure of the systems.

  10. Advanced assessments by qualified limnologists have to be carried out on sewage treatment plants (STPs) prior to their construction and/or to establish the need for upgrading (see also Section-I)

    This specialized discipline is not the routine civil/environmental engineering domain.

    A leading example of the methodology to be followed is that illustrated in Section-I as proposed by Dr. Joe Kerekes PhD, Scientist-Emeritus with Environment Canada Atlantic, Dartmouth. Dr. Kerekes was also one of the leading scientists who headed the international OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation & Development) peer consensus standards-development which are the backbone of the Federal CCME policy on phosphorus management.

    Essentially, in the published paper (Section-I), Dr. Kerekes carries out an intensive scientific analysis of the impact of a proposed secondary-level package STP prior to its installation at a development site which drains into Freshwater Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park. He warns against secondary treatment as that would result in the Freshwater Lake becoming `Mesotrophic’, its management objective being `Oligotrophy'.

  11. Shallow Lakes: Kindly take into account that the limnology of shallow lakes can be quite different from deep lakes. Most standards and other aspects are based on research on deep lakes (see Section-J for details).

    Most lakes within HRM are shallow. Shallow lakes are defined as lakes where the euphotic zone extends over the bottom. Simply, the euphotic zone is defined as the depth at which the light intensity of the photosynthetically active spectrum (400-700 nm) equals 1% of the subsurface light intensity.

  12. Investigate the endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the effluents of sewage treatment plants (STPs) discharging into lakes and rivers.

    Our scientists along with other international scientists believe that fish might be the first to absorb any dangerous chemicals that might later affect humans.

    Impacts on fish: There is evidence elsewhere that the synthetic estrogen, ethinyl estradiol (EE2), used in birth control pills is causing the feminization of male fish in these downstream waters. Some male fish are actually producing eggs. There are other EDC’s of concern as well.

    Impacts on humans: A recent survey of cancer in Hardy County, where some residents get drinking water from the South Branch of the Potomac River in Washington, found rates of cancer of the liver, gallbladder, ovaries and uterus that were higher than the state average. All four cancers can in some cases grow faster in the presence of estrogen or chemicals that mimic it, cancer experts said.

  13. Enforce the Halifax County’s Topsoil Removal Bylaw of allowing a maximum 50 mg/l of suspended solids in any grab sample at the outlets of all new developments which should include even residential developments.

    Not adhering to it in a consistent manner should result, perhaps, in the cessation of further development in the particular subdivision or project. The sampling has to be conducted at the stormwater outlets prior to discharge into lakes and streams.

    The Russell Lake West never appeared to adhere to this and we have seen the negative results over the recent years (view the photographs in our web page which were supplied by local stakeholders to us).

  14. Enact a Lawn Fertilizer Bylaw restricting use of phosphorus containing fertilizers similar or superior to the City of Minneapolis as extensively noted by the UNEP’s committees.

    Other municipal units in North America are also showing interest.

  15. Implement `Indicator thresholds for anthropogenic stressors of freshwater lakes in Nova Scotia’ as one of the tools for assessing lake water quality:

C. Chemical vs Biological monitoring in limnology and comprehensive sampling:

"Chemical measurements are like taking snapshots of the ecosystem, whereas biological measurements are like making a videotape."
……. (Rosenberg, 1998)

By ignoring the all important biological limnology, the majority of studies carried out to date for the HRM as well as for its former municipal units have failed to accurately describe the symptoms and prevent the problems.

"Among the limitations of relying solely on chemical and/or physical parameters to assess ecological health and sustainability is the fact that existing environmental quality guidelines (EQGs) only consider a toxic response to single chemicals, and therefore cannot account for the cumulative impacts from multiple chemical discharges (a “cocktail” of compounds) which may be coupled with physical changes in the environment.” ….(CCME, 2006)

"Pollution is a semi-nebulous term used to describe changes in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of water, air or soil, that can affect the health, survival, or activities of living entities. Organisms respond to pollution usually in one of two ways, acutely or chronically. Acute effects result in serious injury to, or death of, the organism shortly after exposure to high concentrations of a pollutant. Chronic effects are realized following exposure to low concentrations of a pollutant, the results of which appear over time, often as serious diseases (e.g. cancers)". ……(Williams and Feltmate, 1992)

Select references:-

D. Scientific definition of trophic status and Government officials and their consultants may be making significant errors:

"Trophy of a lake refers to the rate at which organic matter is supplied by or to the lake per unit time." ……(Wetzel, 2001)
Trophy, then, is an expression of the combined effects of organic matter to the lake. As developed originally and as largely used today, the trophic concept (e.g., TP, Cha, SD, and TN) refers to the limnetic (i.e., open water or pelagic) zone-planktonic portion of the lake ecosystem. The littoral flora and its often dominating supply of autochthonous organic matter to the system, were, and usually still are, ignored.

Select references:-

What emerged from the assessment of all information available, however, led to the conclusion that there is no possibility of defining strict boundary values between trophic categories. Whilst the progression from oligo- to eutrophy is a gliding one- as has been stressed many times in literature- any one combination of trophic factors, in terms of trophic category allocation, can only be used in a probabilistic sense. Objective reasons exist for the uncertainty of classifying a given lake in different categories by two or more investigators, depending on the management of that body of water.

Average conditions, expressed by "average nutrient concentrations", "average biomass values", "average transparency" do not necessarily express the degree of variability, particularly with regard to peak levels, frequency of their occurrence, and their qualitative nature (type of phytoplankton). From the management viewpoint, such situations and their frequency are as important as average conditions.

For this reason, prediction uncertainties must be accounted for. This can be achieved with the probability distribution for the main components: average lake phosphorus, average and peak chlorophyll concentrations, and average yearly Secchi disk transparency as shown below along with one of our case histories:-

E. The importance of paleolimnology:

Of particular significance are the following two papers:- Smol, 2010; and Korosi et al, 2012

Select references:-

F. Stressors and treatment efficiencies

(Note: Although some of the references are dated, indicator sampling across HRM carried out by our society and others have confirmed the ranges.)

(USEPA, 1976 [Source: Sartor and Boyd, 1972])
Measured PollutantParticle size
<43µ 43µ - 246µ >246µ
(% by weight)
 TS5.9 37.5 56.5
 BOD524.3 32.5 43.2
 COD22.7 57.4 19.9
 VS25.6 34.0 40.4
 Phosphates56.2 36.0 7.8
 Nitrates31.9 45.1 23.0
 Kjeldahl Nitrogen18.7 39.8 41.5
 All heavy metals 51.2 48.7 
 All pesticides 73 27 
 PCB 34 66 

(Drapper et al [Source: Kobringer, N.P. 1984. Volume I. Sources and Migration of Highway Runoff Pollutants- Executive Summary. FHWA/RD-84/057. Federal Highway Administration, Rexnord, EnviroEnergy Technology Center, Milwaukee, WI])
ConstituentPrimary Sources
ParticulatesPavement wear, vehicles, atmosphere, maintenance, snow/ice abrasives, sediment disturbance
Nitrogen, PhosphorusAtmosphere, roadside fertiliser use, sediments
LeadLeaded gasoline, tire wear, lubricating oil and grease, bearing wear, atmospheric fallout
ZincTire wear, motor oil, grease
IronAuto body rust, steel highway structures, engine parts
CopperMetal plating, bearing wear, engine parts, brake lining wear, fungicides and insecticides use
CadmiumTire wear, insecticide application
ChromiumMetal plating, engine parts, brake lining wear
NickelDiesel fuel and gasoline, lubricating oil, metal plating, brake lining wear, asphalt paving
ManganeseEngine parts
CyanideAnticake compound used to keep deicing salt granular
Sodium, CalciumDe-icing slats, grease
ChlorideDe-icing salts
SulphateRoadway beds, fuel, de-icing salts
PetroleumSpills, leaks, blow-by motor lubricants, antifreeze, hydraulic fluids, asphalt surface leachate
PCBs, pesticidesSpraying of highway right of ways, atmospheric deposition, PCB catalyst in synthetic tires
Pathogenic bacteriaSoil litter, bird droppings, trucks hauling livestock/stockyard waste
RubberTire wear
Asbestos*Clutch and brake lining wear
* No mineral asbestos has been identified in runoff, however some breakdown products of asbestos have been measured

(Drapper et al [Source: Driscoll, E., Shelley, P.E., and Strecker, E.W. 1990. Pollutant Loadings and Impacts from Highway Stormwater Runoff. Volumes I-IV. FHWA/RD-88-006-9, Federal Highway Administration, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Oakland, CA])
PollutantUrban (ADT> 30,000)Rural (ADT< 30,000)
TSS (Total Suspended Solids)142,00041,000
VSS (Volatile Suspended Solids)39,00012,000
TOC (Total Organic Carbon)25,0008,000
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)114,00049,000
NO3/NO2 (Nitrate + Nitrite)760570
TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen)1,830870
Phosphorus as PO4400160
Cu (Total Copper)5422
Pb (Total Lead)40080
Zn (Total Zinc)32980

(Herr and Harper [Source: Harper, H.H. 1988. Effects of Stormwater Management Systems on Groundwater Quality. Final Report for Project SM 190, submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation.])
ParameterTypical Distribution (%)
 Total N4060
Total P5050
Total Cd7030
Total Cr6535
Total Cu7030
Total Ni7030
Total Pb2575
Total Zn3565

Unit Urban Phosphorus Export Coefficients (kg/ha.yr) (Vokey, 1998)
Local watershedStorm sewer catchment area (ha)TP Export Coefficient (kg/ha.yr)
Settle Lake7.30.53
Bissett Lake57.60.57

Rate of settling in pure, still water (temp=10oC, sp. gravity of particles=2.65, shape of particles=spherical) (Welch, 1935)
MaterialDiameter (mm)Hydraulic subsiding value (mm/sec)Time required to settle 1 ft.
Gravel10.01000.00.3 sec
Coarse sand1.0100.03.0 sec
Fine sand0.18.038.0 sec
Silt0.010.15433.0 min
Bacteria0.0010.0015455.0 hr
Clay0.00010.0000154230.0 days
colloidal particles0.000010.00000015463 years

Comparison of Estimated Removal Efficiencies (cf. Herr and Harper)
StructureRemoval Efficiencies %
Vortechs System?(10-50)?(10-50)60-80
Baffle Box?(10-50)?(10-50)60-80

Estimated Net Mass Reduction in Stormwater Constituents Achieved Based on 70% TSS Removal (cf. Herr and Harper)
ParameterEstimated Annual Mass Load Reduction (%)
Total N30
Total P25

Adequate sizing is imperative:

Following is a listing of the wetlands that were researched for their ability to treat stormwater runoff as well as a map of the USA showing their location. Some of the constructed wetlands are located in regions with harsher climate and/or more intensive snow cover than in Nova Scotia (cf. Strecker et al., 1992).


Select references:-

G. Buffer Strips

A "Standard Buffer"

A "Standard Buffer" is defined as a particular length of site capable of trapping 953 kg. of sediment per year (USDA, 1977 [Source: Wilson, 1967]); Summary of curve numbers by land use (Panuska and Schilling, 1993 [Source: USDA, 1986]); Hydrologic soil groups (USDA, 1986); and nomograph parameters values from Nova Scotia (Beke and Webb, 1978)





Canada's interim narrative on regression analysis between stream buffer widths and average TN and TP concentrations:-


Select references:-

H. Monitoring of the effluent plume from an onsite sewage disposal system

During the last decade or longer, claims and counter-claims have been made worldwide by many inclusive of several professional consultants, regulators and others regarding the longevity and effectiveness of onsite disposal systems.

During the summer of 2000, an excellent 2-page article was published in the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency)-sponsored Small Flows Quarterly, titled "Monitoring Effluent Plumes". The article was by David Pask MEng PEng, Engineering Scientist with the USEPA’s Small Flows Clearinghouse at the University of West Virginia.

It was indeed the brilliant David Pask PEng who had developed the contour beds. It was his Master’s Degree project (1983) under the expert supervision of the now retired Prof. Dan Thirumurthi PhD PEng at TUNS, Halifax.

One can note the extreme details and monitoring that is necessary in order to establish with confidence the plume progression and the resultant pollutant dispersion/sorption over the years/decades. Further, numerous sites have to be monitored in order to be statistically relevant in almost every sub-watershed!

In addition, lab analysis of soil adsorption properties for phosphorus will not be relevant in the real field situation over time! This is because of the existence of paths of differential conductivity as well as the presence of macropores in the soil.

Further, it will be difficult to simulate saturated and unsaturated conditions in the laboratory on temporal/spatial scales which exist in the field among other problems.

An informative email from David Pask MEng PEng:-


I. A lead example of the methodology to assess the downstream impacts of a proposed STP:

For several years there has been wide concern among our member-professionals with respect to the long term impacts of STPs (sewage/wastewater treatment plants). The probable impact of an STP on a freshwater lake can be quite significant, especially during the summer months when the lakes do not flush appreciably.

While the design of an STP is the domain of a professional engineer, the professional who has the credibility in the scientific evaluation is a limnologist/professional lake manager.

Inserted below is a 12-page published paper of a leading chemical limnologist, Joe Kerekes PhD, Scientist-Emeritus with Environment Canada Atlantic, Dartmouth. Dr. Kerekes was also one of the leading scientists who headed the international OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation & Development) peer consensus standards-development.

In this published paper, Dr. Kerekes carries out an intensive scientific analysis of the impact of a proposed secondary-level package STP prior to its installation at a development site which drains into Freshwater Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park. He warns against secondary treatment as that would result in the Freshwater Lake becoming `Mesotrophic’, its management objective being `Oligotrophy’!

[Img- Kerekes_1983-1]
[Img- Kerekes_1983-2]
[Img- Kerekes_1983-3]
[Img- Kerekes_1983-4]
[Img- Kerekes_1983-5]
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J. Shallow Lakes

Traditionally, limnology is mostly concerned with lakes that stratify in summer. The impact of macrophytes on the community is relatively small in such lakes, as plant growth is restricted to a relatively narrow marginal zone.

These lakes are not expected to stratify for long periods in summer. This type of lake, where the entire water column is frequently mixed, is also referred to as polymictic. The intense sediment-water interaction and the potentially large impact of aquatic vegetation makes the functioning of shallow lakes different from that of their deep counterparts in many aspects.

Shallow lakes are defined as lakes where the euphotic zone extends over the bottom. Simply, the euphotic zone is defined as the depth at which the light intensity of the photosynthetically active spectrum (400-700 nm) equals 1% of the subsurface light intensity.

Select references:-

K. Sandy Lake model with field data (4th vers.)

L. Additional info on us

The combined fiscal value of the research of this society and the signatory’s personal IP, i.e., intellectual property, of the lakes/ponds within HRM is approximately in the three (3) million dollar range if conducted as paid scientist-consultants.

Our additional research/studies:- We have completed predictive modelling of several parameters (not phosphorus alone) of one thousand five hundred (1,500) lakes/ponds in four (4) counties of Nova Scotia, and most of HRM is covered.

Indeed, our `multivariate models’ were able to predict some of the existing visible problems, e.g., weed infestations, in some lakes. As heads up, we had sent numerous cautionary emails and syntheses to provincial as well as municipal authorities.

We have received accolades from some leading international governments and scientific authorities.

Select professional staff of HRM (and it’s predecessor municipal units) and some of its leading consultants contacted us over the last two decades seeking our advice and our scientific studies, generally on a pro bono basis.

We also receive requests from stakeholders, outside of our membership, asking for our assistance, almost every year.

The scientists we cite in this submission are mostly among the stalwarts of international limnology.

Submissions to HRM's Regional Planning process                     Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax Master Homepage

We salute the Chebucto Community Net (CCN) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada for hosting our web site, and we applaud its volunteers for their devotion in making `CCN' the best community net in the world!
