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How To Use The HelpDesk

Obtaining Help: Best Procedure

There are several means of obtaining help while on the Chebucto Community Net:

The Frequently Asked Questions collection.
Also known as the "FAQ", this is a collection of answers to questions regularly raised by users.

HelpDesk reference materials
There are several ways to access HelpDesk documents. You can use the master subject listing

use the master alphabetical index

search for information by user level or keyword search.

Context sensitive help
If you are logged on to a CCN account, context sensitive help found within a particular service (or application program) such as the the lynx browser. Press the 'k' key now to get a keymap of available commands.

Mailing list Archives These are collected messages between other users and various volunteer teams such as "Userhelp". You can use the Contacts option to contact a volunteer team.

Volunteer teams who provide help

Here are four teams which actively provide support to Chebucto Community Net users.

userhelp volunteers find answers to user questions which are submitted by email. The Userhelp team also maintains an FAQ which is a list of frequently asked questions and the answers to those questions.

The training team provides several modules of training in using lynx (the interface for dialup and telnet users) and Chebucto Community Net services. The training sessions take place in donated facilities are available in lecture, hands-on and combined formats. The training team has also made tutorials available for self study.

A third team, helpdesk, actively creates and upgrades online documentation such as you are reading now.

A small office team authorized to do system administrative work provides system level fixes for password and quota problems, clarification of policy issues and deals with matters of confidential nature such as security problems.

The office mailing list ( handles all mail coming from non registered users. The office list should not be referred to until users have attempted to resolve their problems through existing documentation.

From all of us:

Welcome to Chebucto Community Net

and enjoy!