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Verified and Updated: December 2010

[Our Local Health Community]  [Health Resources Worldwide] 

Our Local Health Community

Community Groups and Organizations
Hospitals, Clinics, and Homes for Special Care
Universities and Research Centres
Professional Associations
Health Governance - Regional, Provincial, Federal
Local Health Information Sites
Miscellaneous Health

Community Groups and Not-for-profit Organizations

Local groups and organizations providing information or support relating to health and illness.
    AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia
    The Arthritis Society
    Atlantic Centre of Support for Students with Disabilities
    Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia
    Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia
    Canadian Mental Health Association - Nova Scotia
    Canadian National Institute for the Blind, N.S. & P.E.I.
    Canadian Paraplegic Association Nova Scotia
    Canadian Red Cross
    Cancer Care Nova Scotia
    Colchester Bereavement Support Group
    Community Health Promotion Network Atlantic
    Community Special Needs Alliance
    Easter Seals Nova Scotia
    Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia
    Freedom Foundation of Nova Scotia
CCN Health Association of African Canadians
    The Invisible Disabilities Association of Canada
    The Lung Association of Nova Scotia
CCN The Midwifery Coalition of Nova Scotia
    The Nova Scotia Community Organization Network
    Nova Scotia Disabled Persons Commission
    Nova Scotia Insulin Pumpers Club
    NS League for Equal Opportunities
    Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia
    Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Nova Scotia
    The Sport Medicine Council of Nova Scotia
    Titz'n Glitz

Hospitals, Clinics, and Homes for Special Care

    The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
    Glades Lodge
    The IWK Health Centre
    Northwood Incorporated
    The NS Hearing and Speech Clinic
    The Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre

Universities and Research Centres

University departments and research programs relating to health or illness.
    Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
    The Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre
    Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
    Health Law Institute, Dalhousie University
    Health Promotion Clearinghouse
    Health Promotion - Dalhousie University
    Pediatric Pain Research Centre

Professional Associations

Local professional associations and unions relating to health or illness.
    The Canadian Orthoptic Society
    The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
    The College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia
    The Medical Society of Nova Scotia
    Nova Scotia Nurses Union
    Nurse Active

Health Governance

    The Capital District Health Authority
    The NS Department of Health
    Health Canada Online

Local Health Information Sites
    Pain Awareness in Nova Scotia
    The Psychosynthesis Home Page

Miscellaneous Local Health Sites

    The Nova Scotia Association of Health Organizations

Gateways to Health Resources Worldwide:

Health Canada Online

Martindale's Health Science Guide:
A comprehensive archive of information on a vast assortment of medical and scientific topics.

The Mayo Clinic:
An indepth source of information on a wide variety of medical topics updated daily, from the Mayo Clinic.

The world's most extensive collection of published medical information, now available free from the US National Library of Medicine.

The Merck Manual - Home Edition
A plainly written medical manual for the lay person.

Public Health Agency of Canada
A valuable source of timely, trusted and credible public health information on healthy living, disease and injury prevention.

The World Health Organization