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Verified and Updated: September 2010

Our Community

    Atlantic First Nations Environmental Network
CCN Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists
   Blomidon Naturalists Society
    Blupete's Wildflowers of Nova Scotia
   Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Nova Scotia Chapter
   Clean Nova Scotia Foundation
CCN Coastal Coalition Nova Scotia
    Coastal Communities Network of Nova Scotia
   Discovery Centre
   Ecology Action Centre
   Environment Canada Atlantic
    Public Weather Forecasts
CCNFriends of McNabs Island Society
CCNFriends of Point Pleasant Park
   Halifax Field Naturalists
CCNNatural History Resources
   Nature Nova Scotia
CCNNova Scotia Bird Society
CCNNova Scotia Environment and Development Coalition
   Nova Scotia Herpetofaunal Atlas
   Nova Scotia Nature Trust
   Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group
   Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
    Nova Scotia Nature
   Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society
CCNSoil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax
CCNSolar Nova Scotia
Solar Nova Scotia is an affiliate member of the Solar Energy Society of Canada Inc. (SESCI), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to energy conservation and the use of renewable forms of energy.
CCNSolid Waste Management / Recycling
    Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization


   Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
   Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
A national organization working for the conservation and protection of natural areas.
    National Water Research Network
   World Wildlife Fund Canada
The Canadian member of the WWF family, works on endangered species, protected areas, toxicology, forests, international issues, and more. Includes a 'kids' section.


Support for ecological sustainability and environmental justice.
    Environmental Organization WebDirectory
The world's largest environmental search engine.
   International Institute for Sustainable Developement (IISD)
The Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 spawned many processes. Most of the follow-up is here.
Raising awareness of the living ocean
   Weather Channel
   World Conservation Union (IUCN)
A global player in conservation efforts, it 'lists' many international agreements like Ramsar and CITIES.
   World Resource Institute
Monitors and reports on global resource usage, and promotes sustainable use and conservation.
   World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
The international headquarters of WWF, working on species, forests, climate and other major issues.


Usenet Groups: Biology
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Usenet Groups: Biology
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