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Couples Facing Couples (Becket) - Traditional

Slant Left Right and Left Thru:  Those couples who have a couple opposite and 
diagonally to their left do a Right and Left Thru with each other.  The other two 
couples at each end do not move. 

Thanksgiving Promenade
By Dottie Welch, October 2009
Formation:  Contra Lines of couples facing couples 
Music: "Shine on Harvest Moon", Red Boot 3028

A1  (8)  Ladies Chain
      (8)  Chain Back
A2  (8)  Into a Left-Hand Star
      (8)  Star Right

B1  (8)  To corner Left Allemande
      (8)  Partner Swing
B2  (8)  Put her on Right, Gents inside facing CCW and Promenade One Spot 
      (8)  Bend the Line, - - Forward and Back

L.A. Slant
By Dottie Welch, April-May 2008 after the Los Angeles Callerlab Convention
Music: Jigs such as "Lord Rosslyn's Fancy" on Caledonian Ball LP
Formation: Becket (Contra lines of Couples Facing Couples)

A1  (8)  Circle Left 3/4     (Couples end facing up and down.)
      (8)  Opposite Swing     (Swing with the dancer you are facing.)
A2  (8)  Circle Right 3/4
      (8)  (Original) Partner Swing     (Couples have changed lines.)

B1  (8)  Long Lines Forward and Back
      (8)  Slant Left Right and Left Thru     (If no one to Slant with, stand still.)
B2  (8)  New Ladies Dosado     (All pairs should be facing a new pair.)
      (8)  Gents Dosado 

Uptown Saint John
By Dottie Welch, Sept. 2001 (for Saint John, NB, 2002 Canadian National Conv.)
Formation: Becket (Contra lines of Couples Facing Couples)
Music: "Seanna's Reel" on Lloyd Shaw 328

A1  (8)  Long Lines Go Up and Back
      (8)  Circle Left
A2  (8)  Circle Right
      (8)  Ladies Chain and Turn 1/4 More

B1  (8)  Weathervane Across     (Weathervane = Couples Trade)
      (8)  Cast Off 3/4     (Pivot on the outside dancer - in this case the gent.)
B2  (8)  Ladies Chain
      (8)  Slant Left, Right and Left Thru

Right and Left to Fredericton
By Dottie Welch, November 2003 for Maritime Square & Round Dance Convention
Formation: Becket (Contra lines of Couples Facing Couples)
Music:  "If You're Irish" on Tarheel 126 (slowed down)

A1  (8)  Long Lines go Forward and Back
      (8)  Allemande Left your corner
A2  (8)  Partner Swing     (End with lady on right and facing across.)
      (8)  Right and Left Thru  

B1  (8)  Each 4 Circle Left 3/4   		(Couples are facing up and down.)
      (8)  Dosado 
B2  (8)  Right Pull By and Left Pull By   (Ends face to Left Pull By)
      (8)  Each 4 Star Right 3/4 to lines

Fraction Contra
By Dottie Welch, 2005
Formation:  Contra lines of Couples Facing Couples 
(An odd couple at end is neutral during Star Right and Circle Left to Dosado.) 
Music: "Snow Deer and Golden Slippers" 

A1  (8)  Long Lines go Forward and Back
      (8)  Corner Allemande Left
A2  (8)  Partner Dosado   (or Partner Swing)
      (8)  Face In and each four Circle Left once around

B1  (8)  And a quarter more and Balance Four
      (8)  Opposite Dosado 
B2  (8)  Right Pull By and Left Pull By
      (8)  Each four Star Right three-quarters

Bissett Bees Contra
D. Welch, November 2003 for George Bissett Elementary Square Dancing Bees
Formation:  Couples Facing Couples in long lines
Music:  "Jingle Bells", Folkcraft 745-1289

A1  (8)  New Greens Dosado    (Girls)
      (8)  Blues Dosado      (Boys)
A2  (8)  Star Right
      (8)  Star Left

B1  (8)  Each Four Circle Left once around
      (8)  Long Lines Go Up and Back
B2  (8)  Slant Left Right & Left Thru
      (8)  Straight Across Right & Left Thru

Slaunch to Donegal
By Ede Butlin and Herbie Gaudreau   (a much-loved classic)
Music:  "Slaunch to Donegal" on Windsor 4183

A1  (8)  Allemande Left your Corner
      (8)  Swing your own
A2  (8)  Slant Left go Right & Left Thru
      (8)  Straight Across, Right & Left Thru

B1  (8)  Two Ladies Chain
      (8)  Chain them back
B2  (8)  Same four Make a Left-Hand Star
      (8)  Star Right

Becket Reel Variation
By Dottie Welch, 2003  (variation on original Becket Reel by Herbie Gaudreau)
Formation:  Contra lines of Couples Facing Couples

A1  (8)  Allemande Left your Corner
      (8)  Swing your own
A2  (8)  Long Lines Forward and Back
      (8)  Ladies Dosado (alternated with Gents Dosado)

B1  (8)  Slant Left go Right & Left Thru
      (8)  Straight Across, Right & Left Thru
B2  (8)  Same four Make a Left-Hand Star
      (8)  Star Right

Star Left Contra
By Dottie Welch, 2001
Formation:  Couples Facing Couples (Becket)

A1  (8)  Long Lines Go Up and Back
      (8)  With corner Allemande Left, Turn Partner Right
A2  (8)  Girls Turn Left once around, Turn Partner Right
      (8)  Men Turn Left once around, Pick Up Partner 

B1  (8)  Star Promenade Halfway
      (8)  Slant Left Right & Left Thru
B2  (8)  New Ladies Dosado
      (8)  Gents Dosado

Down the Line Couple Contra
By Dottie Welch, 2001
Formation:  Contra Lines of facing couples 
Music: "Revere's Ride"

A1  (8)  Lines Go Up and Back
      (8)  Men Star Left 1 1/2
A2  (8)  Swing your opposite and put her on the outside
      (8)  Promenade Up & Down   (normal Promenade direction)

B1  (8)  Wheel Around, Come Back
      (8)  Ladies Chain Down the Line
B2  (8)  Slant Left, Right & Left Thru
      (8)  New Ladies Dosado

High Five Becket
By Dottie Welch, Vancouver 2000  
      (Using an idea from High Five Contra by Calvin Campbell)
Formation:  Couples facing couple.    Progression is counterclockwise.
Music:  "Waltzing Matilda" on Grenn or FTC 32054 

A1  (8)  Ladies Right Turn once and a bit
      (8)  Swing the Opposite Man
A2  (8)  Gents Left Turn once and a bit
      (8)  Swing your Original Partner

B1  (8)  Forward four and Clap Right with opposite, Back 4 and Stomp
      (8)  Forward four and Clap Left with opposite, Back 4 and Stomp
B2  (8)  Forward four and Clap Both with opposite, Back 4 and Stomp
      (8)  Slant Left Right and Left Thru

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